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When To Change Doctors (For Tween)?

I have a 13 year old daughter, soon to be 14.  But, she's a young 13.  We moved 3 years ago and have been going to the same pediatricians office.  However in the time we've been here and the amount of appointments we've had thus far (at least 7 times: 4 for yearly physiccal and 3 for sick visits) I have yet to see the same doctor twice.  I usually end up with a NP, on rare occassion another doctor from the practice.  I'm not used to this.  Our other pediatrician was wonderful!  He saw her for 11 years and I can count on one hand how many times we had to see someone else because he wasn't there or booked.  So, I wanted to ask other Mom's out what age did you stop taking your child to a pediatrician and switched to an adolescent/adult doctor?

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Re: When To Change Doctors (For Tween)?

my kids saw their pediatrician through the age of 21.

they were comfortable with her and so was i.

after that, our insurance would no longer pay for them to see a pediatrician.

my girls also began seeing an ob/gyn when they were around 17.

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Re: When To Change Doctors (For Tween)?

as long as the practice will keep seeing them and you and happy keep going there.


once my son was out of HS they kind of gave him the shove 

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Re: When To Change Doctors (For Tween)?

At about 12 or 13 unless you are dealing with a special issue like growth plates.  I never wanted to be treated like a child when I was a young tween and becoming a young woman.  

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Re: When To Change Doctors (For Tween)?

If she's healthy, she may do fine with a primary care doctor, rather than a pediatrician.   Just make sure your new doctor willl provide the proper immunizations at the right time & the documentation necessary for school requirements.


Not all pediatrician offices are the same, you may find one better at another practice.



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Re: When To Change Doctors (For Tween)?

My girls continued with their pediatrician until they  started college at 18, then with the pediatrician's help, they transitioned to regular doctors.  They had always had the same pedi but they chose different adult pcp's.   There are pediatrcians who specialize in adolescents but we did not do that.

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Re: When To Change Doctors (For Tween)?

I loved the pediatrician that we used when we lived in NJ.  However when we moved to PA, I tried a few different pediatricians & offices and didn't care for the doctors.  I ended up using a regular primary care physician for both of my kids when they were still pretty young....early elementary school.

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Re: When To Change Doctors (For Tween)?

I think if you find one that you and she likes,

hold onto them for as long as possible.

If you can't find a pediatrician (and the same one) near you that you like, I think I would try to find a family doctor (I think they used to be called general practitioner) that you both did like that she could see regularly.

I was lucky that we saw mostly the same pediatricians a lot. I even called one to ask advice when my son was in his 20's. He had

known him and seen him for years.

There is a lot to be said I think for anyone to be able to see the same doctor through the years. 

That doesn't mean its not good sometimes to have different opinions.

I do think the NP's (nurse practioners) we've seen have been very knowledgeable and up to date on the latest, also on various alternative treatments with vitamins, supplements, etc.

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Re: When To Change Doctors (For Tween)?

OMG!  When I saw this I knew I had to tell you a funny story.  


So my middle daughter just would not change pediatricians.  All three daughters had three different Drs in the practice (each had their favorites).


Well, I tried to get her to go to a gynecologist starting when she was 15 but she just would not go.  Her sisters still saw the pediatrician when they were sick, etc but had changed to my GYN.  Not middle daughter!


Move forward to when she turned 18 and went off to college....still would not change.  During the summer she worked (are you ready for this)  at Hooters.  My husband was so upset he had her car wired for all of these extra alarms, gave her mace, you name it.  He even had her car wired so it would start BEFORE she left the Hooters.


Anyway, she STILL would not go to a GYN.  Finally when she turned 19 I said "that's are changing".  I asked the Pediatrician if he had any other patients that age.


He said, "No".  Then he laughed and said when he got together with other Pediatricians he always won the contest when they were talking about their patients because he said, "My patient is a Hooter's Girl".  


Now mind you, her feet hung way off of the table when she laid down and she'd have to sit in a chair when he looked in her throat, etc.


We were lucky because she didn't have an problems associated with females (like my other daughters, i.e. fibroid cysts, etc), so it was mostly eyes, ears, throat.  She was just very modest.


I never will forget the first time my late husband and I had to rush down to the oldest daughter's college because she was in terrible abdominal pain.  We walked her into the medical facility there.  As usual, I walked in with her side by side.


The nurse put her hand up (like "stop" and said, "Mrs. A because your daughter is 18, she decides if she wants you to come in with her while she's being examined".  


OMG!  I almost died!  I looked at my daughter and said, (teeth gritting), "Do YOU want me in there"?  She said, "Of course Mom".  Then she looked at the nurse and said, "My Mom probably knows more about me than I do.  She's seen me through everything.  Where I go she goes".  I could have kissed her!


Anyway, long story short...this kid had many visits over her 4 years there and I was always with her, just like I was with my other two over the years.


I'm sorry to bla bla but I wanted you to know we've all been there.  It's something that's so hard to decide....when to change...when to give up a little control, etc.


You seem like such a caring mom (even thinking about it).  Whatever the two of you decide (your husband has a 1/2 vote as far as I'm concerned) you'll make the right decision...

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎06-21-2014

Re: When To Change Doctors (For Tween)?

I worked in a Pediatric office for many years and the doctors would do the college physical then they would have to find another doctor. That would be their last visit.