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Re: Tales of First Teen Job

[ Edited ]

My now-40-year-old son's first job was at a car wash.Those crazy people allowed 14-year-olds to drive cars on and off the lot--my son was one of them. After a few accidents they decided it wasn't a good idea to let 14-year old children (mostly boys) drive cars.

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My daughter's first teen job (and still her job) is at a popular clothing store at the mall.  It will be 2 years this July.  She has been there the longest of all employees, including managers.  A revolving door of people coming and going, over 30 +.  They've reecently cut back on hours.  She goes to college this fall and she's hoping she can work there holidays and summers when she's home from school.

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My son is 18.   His first job was when he was 16 and it actually was in his high school. He was part of a group of students and two teachers who spear headed a coffee shop for teachers in school.  I would drop him off to school at 6:30 every M W F...and he would make and deliver coffee to the Staff with various breakfast items.  They would be in charge of preparing coffee orders, maintaining the store front, and of course the register cash tally.  He loved it. Got a nice stipend. And spread his wings in a familiar setting.   I found these days its hard to get kids jobs.  When I was a kid, everyone was looking for help.  Today its a bit more challenging, at least where we live. 

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I did some volunteering from age 13 or so, but my first real job was at a firecrackers factory about 1/2 hour away.  When, during the second or third week, a worker blew his hand off  (not something I saw--it was in the papers and my parents saw it), I was forbidden to return. 


Went back to volunteering, with a sigh.  I felt so rich earning a salary. 

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DD - Other than babysitting for the whole neighborhood, preschool dance instructor for the studio she attended until graduation from high school, and swimming instructor/substitute lifeguard at an indoor pool (year round during high school). She loved kids and loved working with them.



DS - Local movie theater. He did not like it at all, but it paid for his games!    Smiley Wink