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Re: How do you acknowledge Mother’s Day for your daughter in law?

I have never received a phone call, gift or card (or anything) from my MIL for Mother's Day.

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Re: How do you acknowledge Mother’s Day for your daughter in law?

My DILove is an excellent mother to our 2 grandsons and she is the perfect wife for our son.  Either I do a dinner or we all go out if I can find someone not having "brunch".


They give mothers brunch and serve ribs for Father's Day!


I protest!  I'll take ribs all day over a scrambled egg!!!

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Re: How do you acknowledge Mother’s Day for your daughter in law?

[ Edited ]

I do not have a daughter but I have always gifted my son and my DDIL with a gift from the first time they became parents.  They are actually divorced now but she is still my DDIL and just spent the day with her this past Saturday and we made plans for that Saturday for Mother's Day.  She still gets gifts from me for all occasions. 

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Re: How do you acknowledge Mother’s Day for your daughter in law?

I don't think it's necessary - or even in the spirit of the holiday - for mothers to honor their daughters and daughters-in-law,  The honoring belongs in the other direction.

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Re: How do you acknowledge Mother’s Day for your daughter in law?

@ValuSkr wrote:

I don't think it's necessary - or even in the spirit of the holiday - for mothers to honor their daughters and daughters-in-law,  The honoring belongs in the other direction.

I just like to think of it as honoring the Mom and Dad to my dear grandchildren. 

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Re: How do you acknowledge Mother’s Day for your daughter in law?


I agree. 

Our DIL is a wonderful mother to our grandchildren. 

We usually have a picnic at a beautiful park with our DIL's mother and as many family members who can attend.

It's a very nice day spent with family. No gifts. Just time together which is the best gift of all.


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Re: How do you acknowledge Mother’s Day for your daughter in law?

I usually send well wishes via FB. All three of mine are partying with their husbands and kids with nice lunches and day trips, so I don't feel it's my job to do anything more. They rarely, if ever, acknowledge me on Mother's Day. I can't remember the last time they did.

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Re: How do you acknowledge Mother’s Day for your daughter in law?

[ Edited ]

I give my DIL a small bouquet of flowers💐and a card. She's an excellent mom to my two beautiful granddaughters. I don't see anything  wrong with acknowledging her. We usually go out to dinner or I host dinner. My mom is 93 and I like when the entire family can be together with her. That includes my brother and his family, my sister and my sons. Only one of my sons is married with children. I also give my SIL and sister flowers, nothing fancy or very expensive. At Easter, I bought Tulips🌷(different colors) from the grocery store on sale. 2 bunches for $15. I left the rubber band on them and put them all in a large crystal vase together and used them as my center piece for the table. Then as each person left, I gave them their bouquet in one of those cellophane bouquet bags.⚘ I even gave one to my son's  new GF that I met for the first time. I also give my son a gift on Father's Day. My mom always gave me flowers on Easter, Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. I do the same. I did the same for my MIL. Although, she never reciprocated. I do it because I like it and want too!🤗

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Re: How do you acknowledge Mother’s Day for your daughter in law?

My mother has been gone for 42 years, my MIL for 16 years.  I no longer celebrate Mother's Day by buying gifts, giving cards or with phone calls.


Sometimes my children remember to call me or send a card, sometimes they do not.


It doesn't matter to me.  It's just another day.  My children, and grands treat me well all year need to make Hallmark richer.


I have never bought into these holiday ideas.  Everyday is special.


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Re: How do you acknowledge Mother’s Day for your daughter in law?

Irony of all irony, before I had my son she would do something for me.  It hurt me so much because it was a reminder of not having a child.  In the 22 years since my son was born she hasn't done a thing for me.