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Re: How Does Your Son's Girlfriend or Your Daughters Boyfriend Address You?

In this day and age, who calls the parents by Mr. & Mrs. anymore?? Those are long begone days. I called my husband's parents by their first names until I married into the family, then they became mon and dad. 

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Re: How Does Your Son's Girlfriend or Your Daughters Boyfriend Address You?

@cuddlesmama My son's now wife called me Mrs. when we met. After a short time I knew they were serious and told her to please call me by my first name.

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Re: How Does Your Son's Girlfriend or Your Daughters Boyfriend Address You?

My sons-in-law called me Vivian. That was until they became parents. From then on I became children as well as grandchildren.

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Re: How Does Your Son's Girlfriend or Your Daughters Boyfriend Address You?

Prior to my in-laws passing I always addressed them by their first names. When I was dating my husband that is how they preferred to be addressed.

My parents were always Mr & Mrs even after we were married. That is what my husband felt comfortable referring them as.

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Re: How Does Your Son's Girlfriend or Your Daughters Boyfriend Address You?

[ Edited ]

Given the son is 42 and his SO is 37, I think it would be sort of awkward to be on anything other than a first name basis. Were the pair younger, my opinion might be different, and of course, there's the 'old school' mentality but we're not talking about teenagers here. One wonders were a 40 year old neighbor to move in would the expectation be the same. 

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Re: How Does Your Son's Girlfriend or Your Daughters Boyfriend Address You?

@SKV wrote:

That seems very stuffy and controlling to me.  To be upset that your 42 year old son's girlfriend addressed you by your first name?!?  Seems to me they are trying to find reasons not to like her.   I would only be upset if my sons 37 year old girlfriend DIDN'T call me by my first name.  

Good point. Could be a reason not to like her or not to accept that their little boy is all grown up... Or, of course, just a personal preference that's a holdover from childhood in the 50's...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: How Does Your Son's Girlfriend or Your Daughters Boyfriend Address You?

Sounds like your "friend" doesn't like her and is trying to nit pick.

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Re: How Does Your Son's Girlfriend or Your Daughters Boyfriend Address You?

No Mr or Mrs for us.  We feel perfectly comfortable with Krys and Jim.  Even my sisters told my kids "drop the aunt"... our first names suit us just fine and it's been that way since they were little. My sisters and I played games and dolls and stuff with them so we were playmates...ha!


At times, we join our adult children with their S/O in bars or restaurants and it's just weird for them to address us with the Mr or Mrs.  They are very respectful and that's all that matters to us.  Keeps us young at heart ❤️ 

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Re: How Does Your Son's Girlfriend or Your Daughters Boyfriend Address You?

[ Edited ]

Both call us by our first names; our daughters and boyfriends are all over 40.  

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Re: How Does Your Son's Girlfriend or Your Daughters Boyfriend Address You?

I think this woman is being ridiculous!  If they worked togther they would calll each other by their first names.  It's not like the girlfriend is a child or teen.  She is almost middle aged.


BTW, My DD's boyfriend called me by my first name when I met him and he still does now that they are married.  I don't want him to call me "mom" since I'm not his mother.