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Re: For those who have pierced ears...

My mother had pierced ears as did all the Italian ladies at church.  I really wanted to wear earrings so I begged to get my ears pierced at around age six or so.


My mother explained that hers were done with a sewing needle and thread and I wanted her to do mine.  I used to use cement glue to paste pearls and such on to my earlobes so that everyone would think my ears were pierced, but I wanted to wear hoops.

Finally, we got a new girl at school from Italy and she had her ears pierced and that was the last straw.


One day while my mother was on the phone talking to her sister,  I pierced my left lope with a sewing needle and thread.  When I showed my mother, she dropped the phone.


She called the doctor who pierced my ears.  I remember being so happy.  I was about 9 or 10.  It was in the mid 60's.


My two sisters wanted their ears pierced too.  I didn't want them to because I felt I was special, so I told them it was extremely painful.  About a year later, they both went to the same doctor and got their ears pierced.  They were upset with me that I lied about the pain.


Most of my friends used the sleeper earrings to pierce their ears.  I had never seen or heard of them before I took action on my own.

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Re: For those who have pierced ears...

I think I was 10 or 11, so 1962 or 1963. It ws done by the family doctor. Seems odd that my mother allowed me to do that.

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Re: For those who have pierced ears...

@cookie16 Me, too.  I can't wear costume earrings or any with nickel in them.

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: For those who have pierced ears...

@luvmybeetle Yes, I love Bread, too.  That line I quoted is in homage to my late mom.  💔. Thank you for your comment.

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: For those who have pierced ears...

@proudlyfromNJ  I'm reading here that cork was used.  Maybe that was more accessible in a dorm.  😉🍾

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: For those who have pierced ears...

@Carmie That's a good story!  In our family, a baby girl's ear piercing at 6 months old is almost like a rite of passage, a la an infant boys circumsion.  😲

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: For those who have pierced ears...

Thank you all for sharing.  We all had it done and lived to tell the tale.  

I am a longtime viewer and was a longtime lurker before I started posting.

This is only my 2nd thread that I started and I am grateful for all the kind responses.  

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: For those who have pierced ears...

@ALRATIBA wrote:

I was in my early 30s - had it done at an earring place in the Mall.


When I was growing up - ear piercing wasn't a "thing."  I think I'm the only person in my family (incl. cousins) who has pierced ears.

same here

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Re: For those who have pierced ears...

[ Edited ]

My wonderful father forbad me from getting my ears pierced "....while your feet are under MY table..." and I was 20 before he threw in the sponge and gave up on the whole topic.

In his bucolic Pennsylvania neighborhood, only "Fancy Ladies" (a pejorative) wore pierced earrings.


We had a neighbor who was a psychiatrist, very far ahead of HER time, and terrific fun. She did it, using a darning needle, dental floss, and a potato. 

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Re: For those who have pierced ears...

My parents wouldn't let me get mine done until I was 16.  Mom took me to the doctor to pierce them.