Valued Contributor
Posts: 800
Registered: ‎06-25-2022

I had this conversation with my neighbor. The amount of adult kids living at home....endlessly.

I know there are two versions of the stories.

Today's climate with costs. Getting on ones footing can be a challenge but the other side of what I see in many is that they're older and not intended on leaving.

Someone down the block has three sons up to forty years old at home, living comfortable and no signs of leaving 

For me, they all left. They did what young people do. They try, they get apts, go to school or work. I did the same thing and grew into stability. It's hard of course but how else do you learn responsibility. You cannot live of the hem of parents, grandparents. It is my view from neighbors that today kids want ease. They don't want to choose and sacrifice. They want what they want and in their terms. I've seen a lot living in their parents basements eating hot pockets lololol.