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If your adult child lived with you, would you charge rent or at least food money?  

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 If they were gainfully employed, etc., I would expect them to contribute to the household, either financially or in needed labor.

 I wouldn't "charge" them but I would expect it. If they didn't offer, I would probably start dropping hints about their new apartment......LOL

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Yes, of course I would because they're an adult.

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I don't think that way about family.   

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My mother charged 20% of my paycheck....(and she didn't NEED any money)

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Whether I charged rent or food money would depend entirely upon the circumstances.  If the adult child needs to live with you due to circumstances beyond his control, then no, I would not expect anything.  If the adult child is sponging and lazy with no intention of finding work, etc,  then absolutely I would expect rent and help with the grocery bill. 

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Yes, if the adult child was earning a wage. If, however, it was due to a circumstance of divorce or saving money to purchase a home then no. When I graduated from college and got my first full time job I paid $100/mo back in the early 80's. As I saw it then, I was like what the heck. As I see it now having grown children it makes sense that they learn responsibility of paying bills/rent.  

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@bargainsgirl ,

It would definitely depend on the situation:


Going to school full time with no time for a job?


Lost their job but actively looking for a job?


Working full time and enjoying living at home with no bills temporarily while saving to move out?


Working full time and enjoying living at home with no future plans for moving out and not saving money?


In other words, for me it is not a blanket yes or no.  Depends.

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Isn't there a recent thread on this same topic?


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