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Re: question for LDO ladies with grey hair- does caramel work?

My hair isn't all grey yet (it's light auburn) but I do have fair skin and green eyes.  I thought bisque the color to avoid and was thinking of getting the caramel.  But I would be less interested if it was a less saturated color and was more pale.  A light camel or tan probably wouldn't look as good on me, although I'm sure I have some pieces in my closet in these shades  Typically I do lean towards greens, purples and blues (and black of course) but sometimes you need to venture out.

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Re: question for LDO ladies with grey hair- does caramel work?

I've never colored my hair, so at 74 it is still morphing and changing according to some unseen control panel probably in my genes! 


The advantage is you never have that line of demarcation between colored hair and your natural hair that is so hard to deal with.


It didn't change color evenly, but streaks of silvery hair gradually appeared here and there around my face, and the back is much the same color as it always has been but with some grey in it, and a deep pewter.   I get compliments all the time as it looks professionally engineered by some whiz at coloring.  


Keep it healthy and shiny and grey hair will be beautiful and "go" with your skin and eyes perfectly.

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Re: question for LDO ladies with grey hair- does caramel work?

@anniebethsmom wrote:

We "winters" should have formed a support group during the pandemic!


I so wish I had had your courage to go grey when I had 2 inches of hair growth! I thought about it but just couldn't pull the trigger. Now I wish I had. Should this second wave appear, which I'm sure it will, you can cheer me on!


Keep us updated on your look in progress.


I sure will support you! When I am done with this journey, if I don't like it, I can always go back to coloring---but I'm hoping to fully embrace it. Also, no one has really seen me yet, with the exception of a couple of people, so I do expect some push back. My life long friend on Long Island (friends for almost 68 years--we were two years old!) has already started teasing me about being an old lady--and she has yet to see it! Meanwhile she's had the same hairstyle and eyeshadow for almost 50 years--so there's that!  LOL!


I'm looking forward to extensive travel when we finally get a vaccine and can safely travel. I plan to retire and go to Europe for months at a time and I don't want to have to worry about coloring my hair. I want "wash & go"! To me, makeup, clothes and jewelry will make all the difference.

"More is more and less is a bore!" Iris Apfel
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Re: question for LDO ladies with grey hair- does caramel work?

Panda- regarding eyebrows, based recommendations online and from my stylist  am keeping with my natural medium brown. They are still grey free which surprises me.


Speaking of reading what is online there is a mixed bag of horror and success stories online regarding going full in with the 6 hour process. Bleaching out, dying all over and adding lowlights is a pretty dramatic step. Frankly the stories I read of people losing hair in fist fulls after the bleaching process was freaking me out and tempted me to me to back out of it that morning. But she knows my hair so well after 12 years, knows exactly what has been put on it and it gave me the confidence to go for it (albeit with eyes squinched tight and a second moment of panic right after the bleaching seeing that the formerly brown 2/3 was a nice tropical tangerine....thankfully the next step of dying that part platinum took well!) So my experience was that since my hair was healthy going into the processes it came out in good shape- a little dry but this is Wyoming.


Going all in may not be for everyone but for this 67 year old that had been fighting roots for 10 years and losing for the last 5, it is surprisingly liberating, Knowing that the only thing I will need to do at the salon in the future is a few more professional toning treatments til the formerly brown length is grown out and the occasional trim is a huge relief.







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Re: question for LDO ladies with grey hair- does caramel work?

I let my hair go grey years ago. If you really like a color and it washes you out. Try a scarf  in a color that looks good around your neck.