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A Bit of Too Little Too Late or at Least This Was Something? (A391008)

Played my recording of today's "AM Style with Leah Williams," and she led the show by showcasing the lovely and new  Linea "Moss Crepe Ruffle Cardigan Jacket."    Model Michelle wore the jacket and coordinating skirt in the Black option.  Leah did mention the coordinating skirt and gave its item number.


How sporting of QVC to give the spotlight to a Linea creation at the top of a show (she said acerbically).  Perhaps if the line had been given better showtimes (2:00 a.m., anyone?) there might have been a higher volume of sales.  QVC did Linea no favors.


Anyway, I am leaning to the Navy in this ruffle cardigan.  As for the skirt (A391010), I'm thinking about it, too.

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Re: A Bit of Too Little Too Late or at Least This Was Something? (A391008)

[ Edited ]

I suspect @golding76 that QVC rarely featured Linea front and center precisely BECAUSE this was not a line intended for mass production and it seems that's all this incarnation of QVC seeks. If they can't plan to produce a zillion of them at an inflated price with limited quality control and then ship them out when the whim strikes them, well, they're simply not interested. I recall the old days of PM Style with Lisa Robertson and LDO was on regularly showcasing nicer fashions. I guess those were the days, because these surely aren't.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: A Bit of Too Little Too Late or at Least This Was Something? (A391008)

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You know, stevieb, Louis never fooled himself about the nature of the Linea line; he always regarded it as a "boutique" sort of line, aimed at a certain type of woman, one who appreciated and shared his particular aesthetic.  There was a complete awareness by both parties (Louis and QVC) that sales and profit would be more on the micro than the macro side (at least it would be reasonable to expect that).


Wouldn't it be prudent for QVC to practice some agility, as they say so often these days, in the sorts of fashions (or any products) that they offer?  Why not dare and make a place for a fashion line that has strong and steady profits in a limited group of customers?  Do not expect the sort of sales of your house brands (or anything close to them).  Perhaps this has been going on -- to a limited degree -- but acknowledge and embrace such an approach.


QVC, time to stop pussyfooting around!  Do something bold! 




And p.s., many thanks for ruining Christmas and Hanukkah for Louis and us Linea lovers.  You had to make this annus horribilis even more horrible?  Mazel tov!

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Re: A Bit of Too Little Too Late or at Least This Was Something? (A391008)

[ Edited ]

@golding76   So accurate and true, Goldie!  I don't know if we can save Linea a second time but it's worth letting QVC know in large numbers our anger in their choice of actions.  That was the main reason I did a separate post asking everyone to use the feedback at the bottom of this page and letting QVC know directly, rather than on the forum.  I believe the impact would be greater to be inundated by a large amount of feedback whether it changes anything or not but QVC will hear our voice.  To paraphrase Helen Reddy said:  WE ARE WOMEN..........HEAR US ROAR!

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Re: A Bit of Too Little Too Late or at Least This Was Something? (A391008)

[ Edited ]



I've hit "Feedback" several times and I'm not given a chance to post.  Am I being blocked?


Earlier today, I did hit it and got in but was too fuzzy-brained to write.  Later on, my attempts have been met with no success.

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Re: A Bit of Too Little Too Late or at Least This Was Something? (A391008)

[ Edited ]
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Re: A Bit of Too Little Too Late or at Least This Was Something? (A391008)

Thank you, Somertime.  Success!

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Re: A Bit of Too Little Too Late or at Least This Was Something? (A391008)

@golding76   More than one way to skin a cat!!!

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Re: A Bit of Too Little Too Late or at Least This Was Something? (A391008)

@Somertime wrote:

@golding76   Try this:


Let me now if it works, please,

fill out their questionaire and put hearts on the blog

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Re: A Bit of Too Little Too Late or at Least This Was Something? (A391008)

Thank you for the link Somertime. The first time I ever posted in the forums, and I have been here since the beginning. Thanks to you TPTB know my displeasure now.