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Does anyone own or have experience with an electric pasta maker?


In the 90s? they were all the rage and I bought a used Ron Popeil one . It took s-o  l-o-n-g to extrude that I gave up and donated it . Also ready made variety pastas came into the everyday market place.


I was watching Evine  and saw one by chef Todd ?? In the video it seems to work really fast --it mixes and then extrudes. It seemed to work fairly fast and had 3 reviews that were favorable. If it goes back on sale I may buy one. I would be interested if any one has input.



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@okaywitheasypay, I had one years ago.  While it makes pasta very quickly and was fun to do, it was a real pain to clean.  Even the attachment on my Kitchenaid is more cleaning than I want to do.  You can buy fresh pasta in many places, make your own, or buy the boxed pasta much more easily.  You can make really easy pasta--just look on Youtube or even Facebook.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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@okaywitheasypay  Philips works great.  A friend has one.  That's all I know!

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I had the Ron Popeil pasta machine years ago.  My DH didn't like the pasta it made.  After a while it went to the garage and from there to become a donation.  

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I have the pasta attachment for my Kitchenaid mixer and love it. I think it performs better. I looked at the electric and manual models before I purchased the attachment. This is great because it really does work like a dream and cleans up quickly. All the Kitchenaid attachments fit all models of the mixers.  

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@okaywitheasypay  Think you got the Ron Popeil pasta machine I donated years ago. For me, it was too much a bother to use.  Easier to just buy a box or even the "home made" pastas the grocery stores sell.  Buitoni makes a great variety and is delish.  Store brands are also very good. 

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I have the Philips pasta machine.  It's designed for ease of use and cleaning.  I don't know how they coud make it any easier.

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I have a Phillips and love it.  It's super simple and easy to clean. It takes under 15 minutes start to finish.  I got mine thru Costco because they included all the pasta shapes.  The lasagna one is very wide.  

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Re: electric pasta machines

[ Edited ]

I also purchased the Ron Popeil pasta maker when it was on the infomercial and it was a pain to clean and not easy to use so it went into the trash along with my frustrations..


I also have a Kitchen Aid stand mixer I love and purchased the pasta attachments and that too was a pain and difficult to clean.


Now I would never buy another pasta maker when I can go to the store which makes fresh pasta shapes and buy my fresh pasta from them. TThey also sell various cheese and sauces as wellas ready cooked Italian favorites.


I come home and make it the same day, and I  always have my own home made   pasta sauces on hand I make with my mini ground sirloin steak meatballs, loose sirloin steak ground beef, or home made sweet and hot sausages.


I love to make and freeze dishes and ready made fresh pasta is what  I eat, serve to others, and love.

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We had a Ron Popeil one when they first came out. Piece of Junk! Majority of it is made of plastic so it did not work well  or long. Plastic parts started breaking within 2 uses. Tossed it(it was free so no loss of money). I would suggest if you have a Kitchen Aid stand mixer to get the pasta attachment. By far a more durible, easier way to make pasta. We have had the attachment for years. Best and most used attachment(along with the grinder) we have for our KA. Not hard to clean at all.  My daughter asked for one this Christmas. She was very happy to get it!