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Wolfgang's pressure oven.....

This sounds really interesting for me who wants and needs home cooked food done fast. Any thoughts/recommendations? TI A.
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Wolfgang's pressure oven.....

Read the reviews on the other shopping channel. They are really mixed with mostly bad concerning the faults of the machine. Get a regular toaster/convection oven like the Breville smart oven. I believe they are cheaper and actually work!

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Re: Wolfgang's pressure oven.....

ITA with Tigriss. Many of his electronics have had dangerous problems and I believe this is one of them.

I'm not a fan of Breville, as it has problems of its own, but if I had to choose between the two I'd choose the latter. Some of WP's more expensive electrics have had a lot of problems with smoking and catching fire.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Wolfgang's pressure oven.....

Thanks, tigriss and chicken.
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Posts: 3,958
Registered: ‎09-28-2010

Re: Wolfgang's pressure oven.....

I ordered that rapid cook pressure oven when it was a TS months ago. I sent it back. It was really REALLY tinny flimsy construction. Also, when I read the instructions and recipes, nothing was as quick and simple on the prep side as it seemed during the presentations.