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Who remembers the butter boat and related products?

Quite a few years ago, my mom bought some butter boats (see item #'s K74491, K3603, K4111, and K2618) and related baking/serving pieces in the French Country pattern. These may have been before Temp-tations was on or before it got so popular. The butter boat is the most amazing way to keep butter, and the baking pieces from this company are more than twice as heavy/thick as Temptations is today (some of the very first Temp-tations pieces were much more substantial) I've searched everywhere to see if this product line is still made, but I come up with nothing. Sometimes you can find a butter boat on e-bay, and there are other brands, but not as pretty as the original maker. Does anyone else have these, especially the bakers and were there other patterns not offered on Q?

I wish Tara would make a butter boat in the weight and style of the original, but with some of her patterns.

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Re: Who remembers the butter boat and related products?

I am STILL using my butter boat.  I can't even guess how old it is but it is wonderful!  Always has been.  Sometimes I even forget to change water and even in the heat of summer I have NEVER had rancid butter.  I am using organic butter but that has not always been the case.  I was just looking to see if they still carried it as I have had people like and ask about my butter boat so I thought it would made a great gift.  Please bring back the butter boat!!!


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Re: Who remembers the butter boat and related products?

What is a butter boat? I am curious! (Now that we are back to using butter vs. margarine, I keep butter in freezer and thaw what we want as needed, thanks to the microwave.)

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Re: Who remembers the butter boat and related products?

I still have 2 butter boats but I don't use them since I switched to the Land o Lakes spreadable butter. I did love them, though. I'm keeping them for any occasion where I might want to serve sticks of butter.

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Re: Who remembers the butter boat and related products?

Butter Boat and P*oping Moose, both in and around the 50 In 50 Era?

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Re: Who remembers the butter boat and related products?

I bought one of the ones that you posted for my sister and another one for me.  We both still use them after all these years.  I think they're wonderful.  I used to buy tubs of butter, but the soft butter from the butter boats spreads much easier.

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-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Who remembers the butter boat and related products?

I have a butter boat but not by Temptations. I use KerryGold butter & keep it in it on the counter.



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Re: Who remembers the butter boat and related products?

I too, still have mine and also my mother's. Comes in handy when you have company and want spreadable butter instead of putting out the plastic tub. For the poster who questioned what is a butter is a 3 piece ceramic oval dish where the bottom part is filled with water to an indicated line and the butter goes into an insert that is partially unglazed, so that the water is used to cool the butter by evaporation. The lid goes on top. It is kept outside of the refrigerator, so that the butter is always spreadable. Mine only fits a half stick. You are supposed to change the water every couple of days. I purchased mine from QVC when Box Bowersox was still a host. That was quite some time ago.

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Re: Who remembers the butter boat and related products?

I still have my butter boat! Now I'm using Kerrygold soft butter. 


Normally I buy organic butter. When it's too high I go to Kerrygold as second choice.

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Re: Who remembers the butter boat and related products?


Yep, still using the butter boat too.Smiley Wink