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Re: Which processed foods do you still eat, even though you know better?

I've pretty much eliminated junk from my diet, but I have to admit that sometimes I still crave Cheetos. The puffy ones. Those neon-orange frankenfood tidbits of happiness. You know...the things that are impossible to eat without leaving evidence on your fingers and orange sprinkles on your shirt...

It's a good thing that those things tattle, too - it makes it easier to stay accountable since everyone will know if I eat some. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: Which processed foods do you still eat, even though you know better?

I eat lots, but my favorite is fried bologna sandwiches!

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Re: Which processed foods do you still eat, even though you know better?

Bacon! I only eat it 2 or 3 times per year, but it tastes so good. If I could, I would eat it every day.

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Re: Which processed foods do you still eat, even though you know better?

We use canned soups at our house. I make a lot of soups from scratch, but I still have canned on hand for quick meals or recipes.

I too like Rice-A-Roni, as well as other prepackaged rices. I also really like those noodles and sauce bags, like Liptons, when I want to add another side dish to a meal in a hurry.

Now, one of my personal processed food favorites that I can't give up is:

Kraft Spaghetti in the GREEN box. I just love it. We grew up on that. You can't find it in a lot of stores now and I ran across it on Amazon. I ordered a case of 24 boxes, LOL. It's really my favorite guilty pleasure.

I usually make it when there is no one else around. You can make it with tomato paste or tomato sauce. I like to use the sauce. For me, it's not as good with the paste (although I will still eat it if someone makes it with paste, LOL). My mom used to put hamburger in it but I like it "straight."

Yes, I know it's probably worthless junk, but my mommy made it and I like it. Smiley Happy

There is just "something" about that sauce packet. I like spaghetti of all kinds, I will eat about any recipe and have made it many times from scratch on my own BUT every now, when I need to revert to childhood, I want my Kraft Spaghetti in the GREEN box.


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Re: Which processed foods do you still eat, even though you know better?

If I get American Cheese- I'll only buy the white. I figure that's one less chemical used in the processing. I don't eat a lot of cheese so if opted for 'real' cheese it'd end up going bad!

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Re: Which processed foods do you still eat, even though you know better?

Fritos! Once a year on my bday, I buy a small snack size bag of them and eat every one. It is my bday treat to myself!

I try never to eat 'packaged' foods but admit to using them for my mom. I have to cook all her meals and just don't have time to do potatoes from scratch etc. She is 83 and physically fairly healthy (Alz. tho). I use the Lipton noodle pouches, Unc Ben rice pouches, pouch of instant mashed, canned vegs, etc. I would never eat any of that myself...but don't have a choice cooking fast meals for her while working full time. I get a good protein meat and cook that...add the sides, divy up into Lock N Lock dinner containers and bring them over for her in the mornings. I feel bad! Yucky, high sodium junk IMO...but she always cooked with those! Even when she was home all day! LOL

On weekends, I cook from scratch for DH and myself and also bring her dishes of those meals.

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Re: Which processed foods do you still eat, even though you know better?

We eat anything and everything even though they say stuff is not good for you. I think moderation in all is the key. One day they something isn't good for you and the next day they say it is alright. It is just too much to keep up with all of it. Eat good and exercise that is our motto. We eat a lot of grilled chicken and fish and yes good old red meat also along with grilled veggies and salad. But every now and then I just crave a good old pan of fried potatoes and onions or an old fashion grilled cheese sandwich made with American cheese or a some old mac and cheese!!

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Re: Which processed foods do you still eat, even though you know better?

Well, I'll be honest and admit I eat a lot of processed foods. I suspect lots and lots of us do, but don't admit it, at least in conversations with people who cook everything from scratch.

Now that I have to watch my salt, I've changed over to salt free canned goods. But I figure it's better to eat canned veggies or soup than fast food.

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Re: Which processed foods do you still eat, even though you know better?

Dark chocolate, and diet pepsi
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Re: Which processed foods do you still eat, even though you know better?

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