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When you are looking at your Christmas With Southern Living Books, please keep an eye out

My cousin made a turnip casserole recipe many years ago for a Christmas family dinner and if I remember it had cream of wheat or something in it. It was sort of like a turnip soufflé. I don't like turnips but I loved this, and now SHE can't find the recipe. I've looked on the net quite a bit and can't find it either. (I mean REALLY--it's turnips, so how popular would THAT be? {#emotions_dlg.confused1})

She does remember it came from a Christmas With Southern Living book, so I thought as many of us will get out our favorite recipes and books, maybe someone would run across it!

It you can just tell me which book, I'll bet I can find it on e-bay if you don't want to list the recipe here!

THANKS for looking if you think of it!!!

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Posts: 564
Registered: ‎08-15-2010

Re: When you are looking at your Christmas With Southern Living Books, please keep an eye out

There is a recipe called Turnip F lu ff. It has Cream of Wheat and is cooked in a souffle dish. You can google it. I am going to try it as soon as I can find turnips.

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Posts: 564
Registered: ‎08-15-2010

Re: When you are looking at your Christmas With Southern Living Books, please keep an eye out

Here is the recipe: (I tried to post it earlier and found it the word fl u ff is not allowed.)

1 large turnip

1 onion

1 pint heavy cream

1 tablespoon cream of wheat

1 stick butter

2 eggs

Cook cubed turnip in boiling water

Saute onion until translucent

Blend eveything in blender until light and fluffy like whipped cream

Bake in buttered souffle dish at 350 degrees for 35 minutes.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: When you are looking at your Christmas With Southern Living Books, please keep an eye out

Oh thanks!!! Do you happen to now what issue of the Southern Living Christmas book it is in? I might get that for her as a ""stocking stuffer!"" She would love that! I guess the cream and butter and eggs neutralize the turnip! LOL!!!!!! It was good!

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Posts: 564
Registered: ‎08-15-2010

Re: When you are looking at your Christmas With Southern Living Books, please keep an eye out

Sorry. I don't know what issue of Southern Living. I have looked at my books and will look some more. If I find it I will let you know.

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Re: When you are looking at your Christmas With Southern Living Books, please keep an eye out

On 11/3/2014 gtx said:

Sorry. I don't know what issue of Southern Living. I have looked at my books and will look some more. If I find it I will let you know.

THANKS! That is sweet of you! It would be a fun gift!

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Re: When you are looking at your Christmas With Southern Living Books, please keep an eye out

Doesn't it feel good to locate an old 'lost' recipe? I just love it! Happy for you.

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Posts: 33,013
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: When you are looking at your Christmas With Southern Living Books, please keep an eye out

On 11/4/2014 Zhills said:

Doesn't it feel good to locate an old 'lost' recipe? I just love it! Happy for you.

LOL!! YES! It is like finding an old friend and having something to talk about. It will be a ""remember when"" at the holidays this year! Aren't people sweet to look for these things?