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Re: Whats cooking this august?

My dh asked for buttermilk pancakes for dinner. Um, I do not make good pancakes...I really, really don't. DH took over pancake duty about 20 years ago and I never paid too much attention to how he made them because I hate pancakes. Sigh. He's going to have to help me.


I will be having chicken salad lettuce roll ups for dinner.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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Re: Whats cooking this august?

[ Edited ]

@RedTop wrote:


My husband feels about lasagna the exact way I feel about pizza; it's just okay.

I am absolutely in your DH camp.....I make (or buy) lasagna maybe once a year.

it's ok but I can live without it.  If I am having a mob of people to eat then I throw it together.......but, even now, while I am at the shore, I would rather throw a pot roast in the slow cooker to feed a crowd.

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Re: Whats cooking this august?

We had some company so I didn't get to much cooking. Pizza one night with salad. Sub sandwiches, chips and watermelon another night.

Tonight DH & I back to just ourselves so he grilled brats & I made potato salad. We have watermelon to finish.

@kate2357, Glad Jack has more of an appetite. I also am not talented making pancakes. Never know when to flip them; no two are ever the same shape or evenly browned.

Can Jack and you do an instructional video ?! Have a nice supper & evening.
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1Re: Whats cooking this august?

[ Edited ]

@MOMMAVik wrote:
We had some company so I didn't get to much cooking. Pizza one night with salad. Sub sandwiches, chips and watermelon another night.

Tonight DH & I back to just ourselves so he grilled brats & I made potato salad. We have watermelon to finish.

@kate2357, Glad Jack has more of an appetite. I also am not talented making pancakes. Never know when to flip them; no two are ever the same shape or evenly browned.

Can Jack and you do an instructional video ?! Have a nice supper & evening.


An hour later and I am still laughing. My streak is pancakes were bad, very, very bad. He was right there, telling me what to do and they still were overly brown and a bit raw in the middle. Lots of butter and some drenching with syrup and he ate them, muttering the entire time...  something about how is mother was right. Lololol.


But my chicken salad was delicious.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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Re: Whats cooking this august?

Yesterday at the grocery store I saw a couple cans of manwich and hamburger buns and hamburger in someone’s cart as I met them in the isle
I hadn’t thought of manwich in a long time I grabbed the ingredients and
tonight that’s what we had for supper
Manwich and low salt chips , what a quick easy meal on this really hot day and it was really good

House cat I have never froze the Panera soup but I don’t see why you couldn’t freeze it
I buy it often when it’s BOGO for one of my granddaughters who’s in college she loves their soups
I just be sure and tell her to look at the expiration date and eat the closest date first
I didn’t buy any this sale I saw it while there
When I got home from the store she was at our house she’s taking summer courses so I sent her to the store to buy some for her dorm
Aside from the places I mentioned She said it was also across from where the chicken is in a cooler case with other sale items so you might want to check that area in your store for it

Danky I hope I can explain how I make cream corn ( if It doesn’t make sense just ask )
I make it like my mama & grandma they made it in a iron frying pan , except I use the microwave, this is actually the one of two things I cook in the microwave , cream corn and cooked cabbage

I stand the raw ear of corn in a bowl , with a knife I barely cut the edge of the corn all the way down to remove the kernels , then I go back and scrape it with the knife To get the “milk “ out of the corn , then turn the Corn over and scrape again to make sure to get all the corn off the cob
To the bowl of corn I add butter , salt and pepper , a couple tbsp of heavy cream , milk , half and half or whipping cream
( whatever I have in the refrigerator )
( you can add a tbsp sugar if desired , I don’t )
microwave this for about 4/ 5 mins , stir well microwave about 5 mins more and serve
If it’s to thin after you stir the first time you can add 1 tbsp flour mixed well with cold water to add ( I rarely have to do this )
If desired you can add Parmesan cheese ( I don’t do this either)
Also a friend uses frozen whole kernel corn instead of fresh corn

If you try this I hope you enjoy, it’s nothing like the canned creamed corn you can buy I don’t like the canned at all
Enjoy your weekend everyone
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Re: Whats cooking this august?



I buy these for my granddaughter who loves them.  I tasted them and I give them a  👍🏻.  They're great to have in the freezer when you only want a small amount and don't want to bother making the batter.


Screen Shot 2023-08-04 at 9.42.30 PM.png

~ house cat ~
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Re: Whats cooking this august?

@Shihtzursqmom I am going to try it.....doesn't sound difficult. I enjoy creamed corn with plenty of pepper,cooked and out of the can , but maybe I am just used to it after 50 years !


Now, if you don't mind, please tell me how to prepare cooked cabbage in the microwave. One of my all time favorite vegetables but who can stand the cooking

mess ?

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Re: Whats cooking this august?

@Danky2 wrote:

@Shihtzursqmom I am going to try it.....doesn't sound difficult. I enjoy creamed corn with plenty of pepper,cooked and out of the can , but maybe I am just used to it after 50 years !


Now, if you don't mind, please tell me how to prepare cooked cabbage in the microwave. One of my all time favorite vegetables but who can stand the cooking

mess ?


I've not microwaved cabbage as @Shihtzursqmom mentioned....but I have roasted it in the oven to great success. Slice cabbage, toss in oil of choice (I use Olive oil), season with salt and pepper, roast at 425 for 25-35 minutes. Cooking time depends on if you want wilted or more crispy brown. I add sliced onions and sliced garlic cloves.


Saves clean up time for my stove top.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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Registered: ‎02-26-2012

Re: Whats cooking this august?

@house_cat wrote:



I buy these for my granddaughter who loves them.  I tasted them and I give them a  👍🏻.  They're great to have in the freezer when you only want a small amount and don't want to bother making the batter.


Screen Shot 2023-08-04 at 9.42.30 PM.png


I should have bought these and said I made them. Would have been better than my version.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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Posts: 596
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Re: Whats cooking this august?

Sorry for all the “ ands “ about the manwich I have ADD and get distracted easily I should read and reread again before hitting post

Danky the cream corn is really easy to make let me know how you ( or anyone else that tries it ) likes it

I think the reason I don’t like canned corn my grandparents had a farm and always had a big garden so we had fresh vegetables in the summer , my grandma with my mamas , her sisters and friends help canned and frozen vegetables for winter when I was growing up
They had a well house where vegetables was stored throughout the winter also
We have a small garden now , we are in a rural area and a lot of neighbors have farms and grow vegetables we are very fortunate
they give me fresh produce or I buy it from them to can or freeze it
Just this morning I froze some vegetable soup base for winter using our homegrown tomatoes and fresh vegetables I had
Got from neighbors

On a side note to the corn I have known people to use a box grater like you’d grate cabbage on to grate the corn I tried it once but decided using a knife was easier

The cabbage is just as easy as the corn
I wash and core the cabbage, but don’t drain the water off the cabbage, you’ll need the moisture
on cutting board with knife shred the cabbage
Place cabbage in microwave safe bowl , add butter, salt and pepper and any other seasonings you like ( my husband is a bland eater on lots of things , I only add butter , salt , lots of pepper to my cabbage )
Add a couple tsp water , sprinkling over the cabbage
( just a little water , don’t add to much you don’t want the cabbage covered in water just enough water to give moisture to cook the cabbage )
Cover , microwave on high about 4 mins , stir , if you think you need more water add a little more now , microwave about 3 or 4 more minutes, start testing for doneness , you may need to adjust cooking time to add more minutes or less next time since microwaves vary
We like the cabbage just tender but not “ mushy “
I hope you enjoy if you try