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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

That really looks good EXCEPT the scallops.I do not like seafood except tuna PROVIDING IT IS ALBACORE - NOT tUNA IN WATER. Yuck. Picky aren't I? Not really just have a real hard time getting past the smell of sea food. Yet my daughter LOVED it - she sure did not get it from me - actually her Grandpa (Dad, he was a shrimp fiend) and her great grandmother (she loved lobster) were the two who headed her into seafood. I think I may have told the story but my daughter and My Dad use to sit down and duel over a plate of shrimp - hysterically funny. She may have been about a year old, can you imagine.


Have no clue what is for dinner in this household. Should think about fixing something as past several nights it has been frozen packages of food although 3 nights ago I did fix a big pot of veggie soup - no meat - just veggies. Very very good.


Hope one and all have a great day.

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

@   Thank you.  I made scallops for my ex and DD when she was growing up.  They loved them and still do.  I just never made them "fancy".  LOL  Best I remember was butter, sheet pan in the oven for a few minutes.  That was a lot of years ago, but it taught her to try all food and I don't think there is anything she won't try.  Smiley Happy  She adores seafood and I never have.  I'm a beef and 'tater type.                 

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

OK, for dinner, Davey, myself and almost 9 month old Leah went to Bob's Big Boy for dinner. Worked well for us. The little Misses had her bottle, Davey had a humongous burger and I had a Fiesta salad. Very good. Course I brought most of my salad home, just cannot eat all those huge things.


Ricky is with Victoria - another one of my great grands for a few days. Shannon took off this morning saying she would be back soon - hjaven't seen her yet. Some things do not change. LOL>


Hope one and all had a great day.

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

@Winifred wrote:

OK, for dinner, Davey, myself and almost 9 month old Leah went to Bob's Big Boy for dinner. Worked well for us. The little Misses had her bottle, Davey had a humongous burger and I had a Fiesta salad. Very good. Course I brought most of my salad home, just cannot eat all those huge things.


Ricky is with Victoria - another one of my great grands for a few days. Shannon took off this morning saying she would be back soon - hjaven't seen her yet. Some things do not change. LOL>


Hope one and all had a great day.


@Winifred  Some things do not change is right, LOL!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

@Winifred wrote:

That really looks good EXCEPT the scallops.I do not like seafood except tuna PROVIDING IT IS ALBACORE - NOT tUNA IN WATER. Yuck. Picky aren't I? Not really just have a real hard time getting past the smell of sea food. Yet my daughter LOVED it - she sure did not get it from me - actually her Grandpa (Dad, he was a shrimp fiend) and her great grandmother (she loved lobster) were the two who headed her into seafood. I think I may have told the story but my daughter and My Dad use to sit down and duel over a plate of shrimp - hysterically funny. She may have been about a year old, can you imagine.


Have no clue what is for dinner in this household. Should think about fixing something as past several nights it has been frozen packages of food although 3 nights ago I did fix a big pot of veggie soup - no meat - just veggies. Very very good.


Hope one and all have a great day.


@Winifred  Fresh seafood doesn't smell.  Seafood that smells is going bad, and I wouldn't eat it either.  I think this is why many people don't like it because they haven't had fresh seafood, which is a shame.


 My Dad used to fish off the Pier in SF and bring home crabs, you name it, and we would feast on them, spread a newspaper on the table, dump the crabs, and gobble them up, lol, but first he chased me and my Mother with the wiggling crabs.

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

I do not understand that fish has no smell. I can smell fish wherever it is and it literally makes me ill. I have seen FRESH fish cooked and cannot stand being near it. Can't stand beer either - never have - cannot get past the smell. LOL. Maybe that is a good thing.


Going to get to about 80 here today - that's OK and of course I still have a couple loads of clothes to wash - does it ever end?


Will determine later what for dinner. Have a great day one and all.

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

if fish has a strong fishy smell its old. fresh fish should smell like the ocean. and if you go buy seafood case in market and has strong fish smell then there seafood case needs to be cleaned and there fish is allso old.i worked in shaws supermarket for 20 years so we get use to how fish should  smell. seafood cases should be power washed every week.

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

@Winifred wrote:

I do not understand that fish has no smell. I can smell fish wherever it is and it literally makes me ill. I have seen FRESH fish cooked and cannot stand being near it. Can't stand beer either - never have - cannot get past the smell. LOL. Maybe that is a good thing.


Going to get to about 80 here today - that's OK and of course I still have a couple loads of clothes to wash - does it ever end?


Will determine later what for dinner. Have a great day one and all.


@Winifred  I used to love beer, don't drink it anymore, thought it smelled like bread and butter. Smiley Happy

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

I'm the one in the red hat. Lol.   Wish I could dance like that. N