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Re: What foods you ate as a child

I agree with everybody about the white bread (gag!) and bologna (double gag!) sandwiches.    


Interesting the different things kids were fed, not only in different parts of the country but in different decades.

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

Like another poster stated earlier, I would eat pickled pigs feet with my Dad.  Oh the horror!  So revolting to me now.  LOL


I still enjoy an occasional liverwurst sandwich.  

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

my mother made desserts every night as a carrot dangling in front of our noses - we had to eat what was set in front of us - if we wanted the ice cream, cake or pudding


my mother's dea of healthy meals included chicken livers, beef livers, chicken legs broiled to extinction, TONGUE!    Tongue was not hugely popular with us kids so that was a one and done. Stuffed Cabbage was a weekly fixture. she was into veggies big time.   she made this wierd concoction of cubed turnip and carrot , boiled in some sort of ham bone broth.  now today this would be a semi-vegetarian meal, but as a teen, an aquired taste that i never aquired.


later when my Dad went MIA for a while, it was burgers 7 days a week.   i would drive to the local meat shop and ask for a pound of round.  no burger buns, but English Muffins worked fine. Plus, they could double as Pizzas.  i cannot eat burgers  now.  i don't eat meat anyway.  just the idea of it being an animal's muscles ick

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

[ Edited ]


Potato sticks


Fish sticks

Miracle Whip

Vienna sausages

Benedictine cheese sandwiches 

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

Fortunately, I NEVER had to eat ANYof the foods listed here. We NEVER ate processed food. Grew up in an Italian family, so we ALWAYS had GREAT food - fresh and high-quality.

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

This is weird, cause it comes up in conversation more often then not. The one food I always mention is, hot dogs. I never liked hot dogs as a kid, but now I love them. I think it was because, we'd always have a weenies and b eanies night, most of the time my Mother would boil them, just didn't care for them. But now, I could eat 2 or 3 at a sitting. And the one other thing, kinda in reverse, as a kid I loved watermelon, now I can't stand it, don't like the texture, the taste nothing! Weird!

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

Loved it as a kid and still love it. I love anchovy pizza too

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

 Mother use to make creamed peas on toast, that's it. But ya know, it was really tasty. I tried to make once, but I could never recreate it like she made it. 

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

That's funny, but sounds good. Mine use to make creamed peas on toast. It was tasty though. 

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

In the 50s tuna noodle casserole was a regular on many dinner tables.  Also, my mom would attach a grinder to the kitchen table and grind up Baloney and pickles and mix that with Miracle Whip.  She called it ham salad.   .???    We'd get that in sandwiches all week.