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What foods you ate as a child

that you don't or wouldn't eat now.  This thought came to mind as I was making my grocery list,  my mother made brown and serve sausages all the time and I never buy or eat them. I also ate my share of liver wurst sandwiches and jello, I haven't touched either of those foods in decades.  Thought it would make for a fun subject.

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

[ Edited ]

I LOVED Liver and Bacon w/onions and a baked potato.  I know strange for a  I would


NEVER,NEVER,NEVER, eat it now........

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

As a kid I loved goose liver ( Braunsweiger) sandwiches with mayonnaise on white bread.  Tried it as an adult and nearly barfed.  Ugh!   There are far more foods I eat now but didn't like as a kid or simply never tried then.

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

To this day ( 71 ), I have never eaten lunch meats.  For 8 years in grade school, I had either grape jelly or peanut butter sandwiches for lunch.  Now, I can't look at jellies, even in doughnuts or Danish pastries.      Still love peanut butter !

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

Tuna salad.  Can't stand any kind of mayo, Miracle Whip, or creamy salad dressings.  For that matter, I don't really like tuna any more, either.  I was the firstborn, so of course my mother was going to bring me up right & I had to eat what I was given with no complaints.  That sure changed by the time my brother, #5, came along!  LOL!

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

Liver but i ate only a couple of bites each time it was served.  I was always able to hide all in my paper napkin during our dinners and then discarded in the bathroom trash.  It was not until I was a housewife cleaning and emptying my own trash that it dawned on me my Mom found it every time!!   She laughed when I told her I realized I was never sneaky and she did have "eyes in the back of her head". 

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: What foods you ate as a child

[ Edited ]

Back in the Mid 50's- 1960's growing up I remember eating lots of:


Steak, pork chops, leg of lamb, spaghetti, barbecues outside with hot dogs and burgers, bread, pop, candy, TV dinners( the new thing!) mc Donalds, KFC, Taco Bell, Baskin and robin's... Just to name a few... I eat NONE of these foods now as they are considered unhealthy!


This  is just what comes flooding into my mind....  There was just a eat anything/ everything type of attitude about food.  No worrying about high cholesterol, bad fats, bad sugar or the like of today.  I am glad I was able to enjoy growing up eating anything and just enjoying food forwhat it is.

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

@ANewHue wrote:

that you don't or wouldn't eat now.  This thought came to mind as I was making my grocery list,  my mother made brown and serve sausages all the time and I never buy or eat them. I also ate my share of liver wurst sandwiches and jello, I haven't touched either of those foods in decades.  Thought it would make for a fun subject.

Yes liver wurst! 

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

I almost get sick  just writing this....


Scrambled pork brains and eggs😫

Potted meat

Vienna sausages

Liver and onions


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Re: What foods you ate as a child

As a small child, I used to request 'sarbean' (sardine) sandwiches for lunch.  I just LOVED sardines and would eat a few out of the can while my sandwich was being made!  I also loved herring.  Used to love snacking on a jar of Vita herring in wine sauce.Woman Very Happy


Don't know if I'd enjoy a sardine sandwich nowadays - must try one sometime.  As far as the herring goes, sounds gross, but I such a piece of herring to remove saltiness, then rinse and dry with a paper towel and feed to my furbaby.  I don't want him having all the salt but want him to get the protein.  So, whenever I buy a jar. I save it for him.  He had a broken back and will always have limitations with his hind legs, so I just figure he needs the protein more than I.