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Re: What foods you ate as a child



Sorry about your Dad.  But, sounds like he had lots of happy times with his family!   Isn't it funny how many happy pictures we conjure up, recalling what we all used to eat in the old days...good for the soul!

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

Runny eggs and liverwurst.

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

[ Edited ]



Loved your list.  Ditto for me on Ovaltine (Captain Midnight show),  Local kid's TV show sponsor was Bosco....such a treat when Mom would buy it and I'd make my own chocolate milk.  Sugar Pops (Wild Bill Hickock on Saturday mornings..."Kellogg's Sugar Corn Pops...Sugar Pops are Tops!,,,,,


@Kardi   I got to help my Mom make the baloney sandwich spread.  She'd attach that grinder to her Sunbeam mixer and we'd use the bologna, pickles, mayo/Miracle Whip to make this...used a lot for our summer swim picnics with neighbors.


This was a fun topic to read, recall and share,

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

My mother always made lunch for us to take to school. There were 4 of us and money was tight. It was always pb&j or deviled ham sandwiches wrapped in wax paper. Like deviled ham back then but haven't touch it since. I still like pb&j on ocassion as an adult now.

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

One of my favorite food memories is Chef Boyardee Meatball Stew, it came in a large red can with big meatballs, large cubed potatoes, carrots and peas in a brown gravy.  My mom would heat it up and serve it on top of a slice of white bread.  I loved that stuff!

may good luck be your friend in whatever you do
and may trouble be always a stranger to you
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Re: What foods you ate as a child

I thought of a lot of things I knew as I read these posts, LOL!!!


My mother always bought Oscar Meyer branswager for sandwiches.  I liked mine with tomato.  


We moved into the country when I was seven and ate a lot across the driveway at my grandparents.  This was a working farm.  We had a lot of greens and dried beans with fat back,  fried squirrel and rabbits with gravy (only the mean ones), fried liver mush, fried liver and onions which I ate with catsup.  Pork brains and eggs, country ham (I don't know how I tolerated the salt) which I didn't like or the "red eye gravy (country ham drippings, coffee and flour.  Stewed pigs feet!


I only eat greens out of that list now.


The rest was tame!

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

Stuff I used to eat as a kid and will no longer touch:


1. Fish sticks - used to get these for dinner almost every Friday

2. Liverwurst

3. Brussels sprouts and creamed corn - Mom used to insist I eat them; I still despise them today

4. City chicken - this was cubes of pork placed on a skewer, breaded and fried. Popular in Pittsburgh when I grew up there

5. Twinkies

6. Kool Aid - can't believe I used to beg for this sickeningly sweet stuff

7. Tuna casserole

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

Someone mentioned twinkies... A few weeks ago I was volunteering and someone had a box of twinkies.  Remembering how much I liked them as a kid I grabbed one and just about gagged.  It went right in the trash.  Which one of us changed?

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Re: What foods you ate as a child

My Bologna has a first name,
It's O-S-C-A-R
My bologna has a second name,
It's M-A-Y-E-R.
Oh I love to eat it everyday,
if you ask me why say,
Cause' Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A!!!!