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Re: What a piece of junk this is now

@momtochloe wrote:

CB, thanks for helping everyone update their preferences to help with the new changes.  Very kind of you!

I'm glad to be of some help. 


I know that when I first got here, this morning, it was overwhelmingly weird.  Well, part of that was that the coding didn't seem to be compatible with IE (which has since been fixed).


But I tend to be a figuerer outerer.  Smiley Happy   So, I just started going through things and found ways to make it way better.


It's best to go through ALL the preferences and settings to not only revise the look and order of things, but to make sure that it's set on the levels of privacy that you (generic you of course) prefer.   The defaults, in terms of privacy, seemed to be tight but you never know.  I think they are still working on things today because I've seen a lot of things change and update just throughout the morning.  Wow, I can't even believe it's 4pm already.  This day has flown by for me!


I notice that there isn't the auto-correct, either, so when I typo I have to pay better attention because a misspelled word isn't underlined like it used to be.



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Re: What a piece of junk this is now

I do miss the auto correct and I can't figure out how to use the new emoties (I just get text).  Their web team must be exhausted.


And PS, cute puppy for your avatar!

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Re: What a piece of junk this is now

Thank God - there you are Freddie.  They seem to have destroyed the June 2015 Bird's Nest and Back Fence.  I am very sad about this.


I don't know lots about Facebook but was wondering how the Back Fencers and Bird's Nesters would feel if I created a Facebook page for us to visit daily, weekly, whenever we get there.


I never thought I would ever go to facebook but this new forum seriously makes me want to throw up - my text box that I type in jumps around if I type too fast - it's not my computer either.


What do you think Freddie - I don't know if I can adapt to this forum and I spent 9 years working in Information Technology ( don't know how to get an emotie).  Just picture me kinda green like I am sick to my stomach with tears in my eyes.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: What a piece of junk this is now

I remember when I first found the forum, 2009 maybe, they were just switiching to a new format and everyone went nuts! 

Change is rarely easy.

I'm liking the new features!


~ house cat ~
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Re: What a piece of junk this is now

@momtochloe wrote:

I do miss the auto correct and I can't figure out how to use the new emoties (I just get text).  Their web team must be exhausted.


And PS, cute puppy for your avatar!

That's Ru when he was a little baby boy!  Smiley Happy 


Well, you're not missing anything with the new emoticons.  They are pretty lame.


Yeah, I think they are still fine-tuning things.  So many variables, I suppose. 

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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: What a piece of junk this is now

Not happy at all with this new Board. This is what we had to wait for? This  is AWFUL!

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Re: What a piece of junk this is now

I can barely read the tiny print. In addition, the black,grey,and white just blend together and don't make me want to read anything. I can't find the privacy controls. My number of posts is wrong. I miss the subforums. I could go on and on......
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Re: What a piece of junk this is now



I agree with most of you guys.  It is a nightmare.  My vision is extremely low and it's not easy anyways, but this is something else!


What's the saying...."If it ain't broke, don't fix it" !!   Wonder what smart person came up with this idea?

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Re: What a piece of junk this is now

Lol I thought I was going to find out about a "piece of junk" sold by QVC. But I agree, this board is now a piece of junk. Thanks for the laugh.

What worries you masters you.
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Re: What a piece of junk this is now

I'm not getting how any of this works. Frustrated very much....