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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

Tuna salad.

Hated it then.

Hate it now. 🤢

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?



I could never like anything with dried beans.  I could sense the starch.  My dislike extended to humus.  Ekkk!

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

My mom used to make something with fruit and mayonnaise that not only defies description but defies belief.  I remember peaches and grapes and mayonnaise, but I think I blacked out after that.  


Also....macaroni salad, Jell-O salads, any salads with meat in them.....OMG NOOOO!!

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

Smoked fish salad.  When I was a kid someone brought a smoked whitefish sloppy joes sandwich platter to our house (I was raised kosher in a Jewish household and this was for a shiva offering after the death of a family member).  Well, I ate some and later got the flu and was really sick.  Since then I have an aversion to smoked whitefish.  Have never eaten it since and would probably get sick if I did.  Bad food memories and experiences are never forgotten, no matter how many years have passed. Sure wish this would  have happened with chocolate!!!!1

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

I didn't like any of them and still do not now!  My idea of a salad is with lettuce and other greens, tomatoes, cheese, maybe chick peas with  olive oil and fresh squeezed lemon.

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

I did not like salad as a child.  My Mom was lucky if I'd eat most of the meat and vegetables on the plate.  All I wanted to do was play outside with my friends and meal time took time away from that.  

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

[ Edited ]

There were 2 salads I remember as a kid--that gawd -awful jello with veggies in it----Woman Sad and the famous wedge salad--the chunk of iceburg with 1000 isle dressing over top, homemade of course--loved that one. Later when my taste buds were more adult--my mom made a  great spud salad,  and a green  bean salad, and I loved her waldorf salad too- but picked out the raisins-not a raisin fan even now.

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

Any salad with jello or a lot of mayonnaise.  Can't stand those gooey mayo chicken and tuna salads.  

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

Don't remember not liking salads, however, would practically heave at tapioca... no lie!

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

@781Florist wrote:

My mom used to make something with fruit and mayonnaise that not only defies description but defies belief.  I remember peaches and grapes and mayonnaise, but I think I blacked out after that.  


Also....macaroni salad, Jell-O salads, any salads with meat in them.....OMG NOOOO!!



@781Florist     was it  Ambrosia??