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Re: What Illustrates Your Relationship With Food?



I'm sorry you lost your husband when he was so young and vital.  Genetics play such a large role.


My husband has never been overweight in his adult life, yet he has high cholesterol, RA and some very debilitating spine and neck problems.


I, on the other hand, am consistently 25-30 pounds overweight, but my test results always come back within the normal range.  Go figure.


I can't even say that I love to eat. I love to cook and bake much more than I love to eat.  I don't eat most of the things I bake, and I am a very unadventurous eater.  It's probably more the lack of consistent exercise that causes me to stay so fluffy, but I love to feed other people. 

~ house cat ~
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Re: What Illustrates Your Relationship With Food?

((@house_cat OMG!  We could be twins!  That's exactly like with me.  However, I do have (supposedly, so I'm told) issues with immunity(IGG) but I never get sick, so go figure.


My everything else is OK as far as health stuff.  Of course I have a terrible back (broke it in 3 places) and knees (arthritis), other than that.....I'm good.


Yes, his family all had cancer.  He had just had a complete physical and came back OK. It's as if he knew he was going to die young and ran life full speed ahead.  Me....I'm more like the turtle.  Ha!


I supposedly make a few things really good.  I wouldn't know because I don't eat any of it.  I just throw the stuff together.  I could eat spaghetti (mine) every day and it wouldn't bother me.  I'm so boring it's almost sad.  Ha!


Oh! Well!  My friend just invited me to lunch...I just ate some cereal so here we go.  I told her I'll sit with her but I can't eat anymore.


Gosh Darn it!  (I'm thinking another word that starts with a "D" but they change it).  Why aren't I skinny?  Do you notice there are very few people these days who can eat what they want to and stay skinny (real skinny, not fake skinny) without exercising?


I think it's because they put so much sugar, salt, etc in prepared food.  My oldest daughter isn't overweight and she has the most amazing 'will' I've ever seen (like her Dad).  Anyway, she's eating no sugar these days.  She buys products with less sugar.


Probably like you I could write my own how to lose weight book, following it is another thing.  Probably like you, I just want to throw something down my throat and move on.  I don't eat what I cook (I don't cook anymore) either.  I used to cook when my girls were little and my husband was alive.  Now I eat out.  I don't do fast food and watch what I eat but like we both said, (well, I did, I think you did) I don't get enough exercise.  I'd be happy if I could take two steps without terrible pain.


You know, I was thinking that everyone always thinks they are different, but we are more alike than we think we are.HeartSmiley Happy

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Re: What Illustrates Your Relationship With Food?

I LOVE food.  That is why I have went to Weight Watchers most of my life.

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Re: What Illustrates Your Relationship With Food?



Do you take medication for your arthritis?  My husband is on Embrol and Methotrexate and I think that has made his apetite even worse than it was before.


Interesting what you say about lunch with your friend.  He absolutely dreads lunch or dinner dates because he has to try to eat.  He eats nothing all day until dinner.  I'm not exaggerating... nothing, but coffee.  

~ house cat ~
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Re: What Illustrates Your Relationship With Food?

Image result for women's funny sayings about food

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Re: What Illustrates Your Relationship With Food?

My friend insists it's not right to sit down in front of a pie with a fork in your hand, and start eating your way across.

Oh heck! What does she know?

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Re: What Illustrates Your Relationship With Food?

Remember the Dance of Joy from Perfect Strangers?  That would best describe my attitude going into breakfast, lunch and dinner.  If I ate between meals then probably then too.

Image result for balki dance of joy

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: What Illustrates Your Relationship With Food?

What an interesting thread -- lots of funny responses and some truly touching things shared also.  Thanks for the thoughtful contributions.


Hmmmm, let's see, for mine, how about "Please, sir, may I have some more?"


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Re: What Illustrates Your Relationship With Food?

Image result for i never met a sweet i didn't like

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Re: What Illustrates Your Relationship With Food?

Unfortunately "a divorce" is coming soon.


We love each other so much, I love the smell, the taste and overall it loves me but now we must part ways.


We had seperations in the past, lasted maybe 6 months to a year and yet, it's back.  This "relationship" isn't going to continue.  I thought at first, Mr White needs to go so all the rolls, breads and potatoes were out the door and then Mr Sweet came along and tried to get rid of him, but I have both these "men" in my life and I need to send them away for good so that's why I think a divorce is the best way.