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Posts: 20,648
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

VitaMix - They finally got me!

I ordered a VitaMix today, so I'm looking forward to using it and to ideas. I pulled up Sigrid's 'what not to do with your VitaMix' thread, but it wouldn't let me post to it.

But one thing the nice lady on the phone told me is to be sure to watch the DVD, then read the 'getting started' manual, so I'll be sure to do that.

I got the shorter, 48oz, one in the 5200 line.

Now, I must think of all kinds of things to make in there so I'm making it worth the money. It will have a place on one of my counters so it won't be packed away somewhere. I am also looking for a cover (I'm a nut for covering my appliances).

Any ideas for things that I simply MUST do? The only things I don't like are yogurt, buttermilk, mayo, sour cream, and I don't like milk or eggs but I will make things with milk and cook with eggs (for a non-egg dish).

TIA Smiley Happy