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Registered: ‎10-22-2014
Am I the only one dissatisfied with the Ninja TSV 4 in 1 cooking system? No matter what setting I use, everything seems to BOIL.
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Re: Unhappy with Ninja 4 in 1

I love my 3 in 1, make a great beef stew this weekend. Have made many meals in this. Not sure what the difference is in the 4 in 1. Maybe you just have to play around with it for a little while.

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Re: Unhappy with Ninja 4 in 1

I would call Ninja customer service. We know it runs "hot",but your problem sounds like something is mechanically wrong. I'm sure they would give you a replacement, and I would give it a second chance. I have the three in one, and I am wait listed for the 4 in 1,but if I have temperature problems, I will send it back and get the Cuisinart Multicooker Poodlepet
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Re: Unhappy with Ninja 4 in 1

I agree you must have received a bad unit. As long as you are using the correct settings there should be a big difference on how hot it is getting. I have the 4-in1 and love it. If you bought it on QVC send it back and get a new one. It should be within the exchange period. I hope you give it another try as you will love the one pot cooking. You do not have to use liquid in every recipe-just the steam cooking or baking. The stovetop is for searing or sautéing and for soups. The bake doesn't use liquid unless steam cooking. Hope this helps. The cookbook is great also.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Unhappy with Ninja 4 in 1

I do not have the 4 in 1 but I do have the 3 in 1 and I hate it, I never use it because no matter what temp or what setting it is on it just cooks so hot, everything boils no matter what. I went back and read the reviews posted online and there are many complaints that say the same thing. The thing just gets too hot and can't be adjusted. I bought mine on 5 easy pays and waited too long to open it so now I'm stuck with it just sitting on a table. I am sorry you seem to be having this same problem.