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Of In the kitchen with David. Anybody like them better then being in the studio? I'm not real crazy about them. Too noisy and information about towns I didn't tune in to learn about.


Maybe they will return Sun. to the Q's studios.




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Really? I actually like them- I always learn something and find them fun and interesting...

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I never cared for them or any of the shows with a live audience.  I was busy last night, but happened to turn it on just when David's mom was on air with him. I enjoyed seeing them together. He was genuinely happy to have her there. He's a dear man and she must be a very proud mama.

~ house cat ~
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He was raised right that's for sure. Wish it were more common today, but, alas, thing of the past.

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Re: Those away shows

[ Edited ]

I can take them or leave them, but I agree that it was really nice seeing David and his mom together.  She seems like a sweet woman, and he seems like a very appreciative son.  They appear to have a lovely relationship.  


Edited to add that I meant I can take or leave the away shows 

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I just love how David treats and talks about his mom.  Has he ever said anything about his dad?  David is just such a sweetheart. I would love to have him as a neighbor!