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Posts: 140
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Temp-tations - Just out of curiosity...

I normally don't follow the Temp-tations posts, but I have been wanting to get some for some time. I ordered a set on clearance in October and have used it a few times and I really like them. Just out of curiosity though - has anyone ever seen Temp-tations being sold at local vendors?

I went into a store in my neighborhood looking for something entirely different, and came upon some familiar-looking stoneware. Upon closer inspection, I realized they were Temp-tations ovenware. The boxes stacked underneath were all QVC boxes; I noted that the ones they had were some discontinued items that I have not seen in ages, and some of the grape and vine pattern. The prices however, were unbelievable. They had one particular 3 pc set with the baskets for $9.99. I just keep wondering how long they've been selling them while I've been ogling them here at the Q...