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Re: TSV during Davids show last night--

All great points and I do agree....why the long presentation during Davids show?


The TSV's are shown wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much and for too long.



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Re: TSV during Davids show last night--

I think that what makes this sort of thing even more annoying is that David's show is ALWAYS preceded by an entire hour of the TSV and then, if that weren't enough, his show is ALWAYS followed by another entire hour of the TSV.


As much as anything, not to mention the 35-45 minute presentations during a kitchen show, that is what annoys me about it.


OTOH, as mentioned here, I do get that David probably sells more stuff than others but he is often the host for the show following his kitchen show, so he's still selling them.     I just don't think they need to inject the TSV into every single hour of the day.  They are doing what hsn has done for years, so I guess it benefits them, sales-wise.  But it's still annoying.


Generally, if I leave a show, I don't remember to go back.    I'm probably in the minority.     This will get me to leave a show, like the phone calls do.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,651
Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: TSV during Davids show last night--

I am one that if I flip the channel...I usually get interested in something else and don't come back..