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Why not put frozen fruit in a blender or food processor until it is  smooth and creamy?  You won't have to add any sugar or fuss with a recipe.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

another good idea for a less sugar alternative.

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It's farily difficult to make a creamy frozen ice cream replacement that is both sugar free and low fat.  Most of the sugar replacements don't freeze well, and might work if you plan to eat it right away, but heaven help you if you put it in the freezer to eat later - you are going to have a brick, lol.  All of the sweetener replacements have their quirks and best uses. I think you might have thebest luck with Erythritol. 


Every sugar substitute is going to have a different replacement ratio, even within the same brand. for example, if you tore open packets of splenda to measure out a cup, that would not be the same as a cup of splenda granular. You will need to check the pacage for whichever kind you buy.   


You could just go get some Halo Top and be done with it Smiley Wink   It's lower in sugar and calories and I go with that when I want a non-fruity ice cream fix.  At home, I go with what someone else suggested - I blend up frozen fruit with some almond milk. I don't even need sweetener when I do that, and it's.quick and easy.  I keep frozen berries on hand just for that. I add cream since I like the texture it adds, but you could also add banana for a creamier mouth feel. It will increase the sugar content a bit, though. 


Good luck Smiley Happy

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I bought Splenda Naturals . Still half cane sugar, but, not the part of the Stevia plant that is bitter. It's half stevia and half cane sugar. Made some sorbets with it. When it called for cup of sugar with this you just use half cup and hubbo said was to sweet for him to cut it down to 1/3. LOL


Tastes good , so , far and even though I'm not diabetic it says diabetics can use it just remember it's still half cane sugar.

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That sounds like a recipe that won't work with sugar substitute.  Sugar substitutes don't work with every recipe.  However, Splenda makes bags of half splenda-half sugar.  It's granulated and pours like sugar.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

If you have a Ninja processor that makes snow from ice when you blend it, you can freeze fruit juices, including sugar-free or low sugar, as ice cubes, then blitz them in the Ninja/processor to make a snow cone for a natural treat.

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

There ya' go ! my own snow cones !