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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Think your the one who got the electric mandoline slicer same time I did ?


There's 2 'bees' in here.


Anyway, last night when they was showing that pull and chop I thought why would anybody use that little thing and have to pull back and forth on that string that would  probably jam and tangle when they could get what we got


I am lovin' mine. Makes short work of making cole slaw. Have to slice up green and red cabbage, carrots, radishes would take hrs. with anything else

One of my better purchases !



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Posts: 1,325
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Did yo say ELECTRIC mandolin slicer?????  Do you know the item number?  Sounds like something I would like.  TIA

Snarky responders need not reply. Move along and share your views elsewhere.
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Registered: ‎08-19-2010



DASH Electric Mandoline

660-600      HSN
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Posts: 8,745
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

Hey Sharke- Having trouble posting getting that authentication message. Yep- have the mandolin  or had. My friend that helps me and provides transportation really wanted one and needed kitchen items. Have not had chance to get another. When our Audi's open they had one of the small pull things. Got one to use to chop onions when needed a small amount. That pull cord if it got wet and didn't use a blow dryer to dry it would collect odors and mold. Got tired of pulling on the cord and trying to keep it clean so went in the trash and glad just paid $3.Southern Bee

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For what it's worth, although I've had pull-and-chop units in the past that didn't do a great job, the Kuhn Rikon version sold at QVC (and a few other retailers) is sturdy and produces amazing results; I have two and have gifted a couple as well. In fact, I used mine yesterday to chop carrots and celery for a pasta salad and again today to turn cooked chicken chunks into shreds for enchiladas.

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Posts: 36,558
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

@SouthernBee   you might want to wait till you get a 20% off coupon from HSN or I have seen them at Tues morning too, but, only in black.


I got red you know..


Don't you go giving away all your pretties, now ! LOL

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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@SharkE : Thank you for the reminder about the coupon. I had ordered the red. I usually hold tight to my kitchen toys. Friend has had a difficult year and dealing with so many issues. When she provides transportation- I pay her and treat her to lunch- she usually refuses but I insist. Last Friday we went to lunch and spent several hours in Hobby Lobby- wow had 50% off Christmas items. So much fun and giggles. She helped me find items for a project that I want to do for three of the church shut -ins that are 10 years older than me. Found beautiful baskets and gift bags. Trying to finish Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. Southern Bee

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

yeah, she sounds like a keeper. If we can find anybody to lend us a hand in our 'old' age we better keep 'em.


I'm recovering from cataract surgery and had astigmatism  correction done. .First eye on 10-29th and 2nd Nov 5th.  Going thru that eye drop stuff 3 times a day for 21 days.


no more reaching and having to clean eye glaases every whipstitch ! That's history for me. I have the eyes of a 30 yr old now. I had to pay out of pocket for the astigmatism correction Medicare won't pay for it just want you to buy glasses and live with it. I paid the 1600 for the extra procedure. Medicare will cover the cataract end of it. Haven't got my bill yet, but, pretty sure they and the supplement will pick up the cataract end of it.


husband did all the driving why I put it off till he retired. Didn't want to call Uber hahahah if there is even Uber vailable in my town. I donated 30 pair of reading glasses to Sam's Club they give to LIons club to give to the people who can't afford glasses.

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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@SharkE : 💐💐💐- Please forgive me- I forgot about your surgery. I know you are relieved to have it done and on the road to recovery. I had eye surgery age 4 to correct a turn in eye. Doctor surprised that I have multiple stigmatism. Still very blessed. Never really comfortable driving because of eye issues and not able to judge distance and never really drove at night. Always very nervous when trying to drive and have not driven in over 16 years. I willingly handed over the car keys when the eye doctor told me to stop. Seeing everything more clear and details? Southern Bee

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Posts: 36,558
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: @Southern Bee

[ Edited ]

oh wow ! your in a bad way.   I drove myself to walmart (10 minutes away)

Thurs to get back on schedule and to lose husband hahahhaha. Put on

my Roy Orbison glasses to keep the sun glare down. Hadn't been to Walmart since before the 10-29th first eye. Husband had drove me to

United and turned me loose, but, I was anxious to get back to Walmart he

won't go there LOL


Trying to find Pillsbury place and bake new brownies my sister up in Ind

told me about. She said they're in the butter, biscuit, cookie area, but, we don't have them yet, of course, in Tx. She's in Ind. She said "those brownies are delicious " and ate 4 of them in one sitting.


You separate them and put in muffin paper then put in muffin cups and bake

guess I'll have to wait till they hit around here.


