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Re: So, You do not like turkey......What do you cook?????????

I am not a turkey lover - just cook one a year for Thanksgiving but I LOVE turkey sandwiches on good white bread with Best Foods mayo!!!

Fix what your Dad would like to eat.

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Re: So, You do not like turkey......What do you cook?????????

For years, my family had lasagna on Thanksgiving. More recently, we switched to roast beef. This year, it will be ham. Cool

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Re: So, You do not like turkey......What do you cook?????????

I don't eat turkey or chicken so I will make seafood lasagna made with crab & lobster. That's pretty much become my Thanksgiving tradition although the rest of the family (my husband included) still has turkey. Otherwise I just enjoy the sides everyone makes. Glad to see I'm not the only one that doesn't do turkey!

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Re: So, You do not like turkey......What do you cook?????????

I would say lasagna with sweet Italian sausages is a good substitute for turkey, but you should make a meal that you and your father like best.

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Re: So, You do not like turkey......What do you cook?????????

Rib roast!

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Re: So, You do not like turkey......What do you cook?????????

Most of have a favorite if turkey is not your favorite just fix whatever foods that your family likes.......The food is not what is really important.......what is important is that you and your Dad enjoy a meal together and have a nice time.........
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Re: So, You do not like turkey......What do you cook?????????

It's just DH and me this year. As much as I love chicken, I am not much on turkey. DH can take it or leave it. So, I have decided to get a small prime rib. Will get some brussel sprouts, Yukon gold potatoes to mash with chives and whatever else comes to mind.

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Re: So, You do not like turkey......What do you cook?????????

On 11/21/2014 Julie928 said:

I don't eat turkey or chicken so I will make seafood lasagna made with crab & lobster. That's pretty much become my Thanksgiving tradition although the rest of the family (my husband included) still has turkey. Otherwise I just enjoy the sides everyone makes. Glad to see I'm not the only one that doesn't do turkey!

Julie, would you be so kind as to share your seafood lasagna recipe - I've always wanted to try it! Thanks.

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Re: So, You do not like turkey......What do you cook?????????

What about chicken pot pie...with cranberry sauce on the side,maybe some green beans???it's festive,comforting,and it has crust....crust makes everything an we have this on Christmas eve and have Chinese on Christmas day.
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Re: So, You do not like turkey......What do you cook?????????

It shouldn't be about the food. I'd cook whatever you both really like, and enjoy your Dads company