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Sheryl Underwood went Vegan for the month of Feb. So, how did she do??

I watch The Talk, but haven't heard how she did at the end. After the first week she said she lost 8 pounds. Just wondering. I know she LOVES Bacon. I guess she is back to eating her regular food now. Smiley Happy Smiley Happy

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Re: Sheryl Underwood went Vegan for the month of Feb. So, how did she do??

I have never heard of this person. What did she do before the Talk?
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Re: Sheryl Underwood went Vegan for the month of Feb. So, how did she do??

Tell Sherry to call me... No need to eat that way. I've lost over 100 lbs eating bacon! And other healthy foods!

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Re: Sheryl Underwood went Vegan for the month of Feb. So, how did she do??

On 3/4/2014 springers said: I have never heard of this person. What did she do before the Talk?

I believe she was a stand up comedienne.

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Re: Sheryl Underwood went Vegan for the month of Feb. So, how did she do??

She is the tackiest woman on TV. I cannot stand her. Very inappropriate on most of the programs. Not funny. At least not to me.