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@SharkE Cinnamon rolls?  F R E E Z E R!!!!!!

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@SharkE wrote:

I'm always scared to do that afraid results wouldn't turn out well. LOL

@SharkE I routinely cut recipes down and usually don't have any problem.  As much as you cook, you can usually figure it out. 

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I will wait for amazon for free s&h prime love Ree she is making so much money with her Walmart, cookbooks, &other things. Read she is still mourning the lost of her MIL. Love her but won't pay the price til discount. She has frozen food items I haven't seen them in grocery store yet. 

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I cut them in half also or freeze . I Love her cookbooks. 

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@denisemb wrote:

FWIW, Ree will be on Steven Colbert's show tonight.

(quoting myself)


I lied, Ree wasn't on.  SC played a bit with Julie Andrews (guest on Monday).


Maybe tomorrow?

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@SharkE wrote:

I take her magazine and have bought her books, but, it's hard for me to make anything because she writes recipes for a gang.


Not applicable for 2 people or even small families like 4.


Her apple rolls and cinn buns calls for like 9 cups of flour, qt of milk that's fine for her to cook for her big family and ranch hands, but, not for the general public.

Ironically for this reason her cookbooks are perfect for my family of 6 with hungry teenagers.  I need recipes to feed an army.  I have to double recipes in every other cookbook.  

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@denisemb wrote:

@denisemb wrote:

FWIW, Ree will be on Steven Colbert's show tonight.

(quoting myself)


I lied, Ree wasn't on.  SC played a bit with Julie Andrews (guest on Monday).


Maybe tomorrow?


@denisemb - They rearranged a couple of guest appearances this week; Ree will be on this Friday.

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@denisemb @loriqvc 


I found that odd - to have someone who was there in studio cut to run a taped segment from the night before...only to have the person who was there (Ree) become a delayed taped segment on another show after being billed to be on that night.  They can certainly do whatever they want, but it seems odd they didn't just put Ree on the night she was billed to be there and run the taped segment with Julie Andrews on Friday.

Snarky responders need not reply. Move along and share your views elsewhere.
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@Havarti - I am fairly sure that Ree was not at the studio in person yesterday; it's very likely that her segment was taped previously for airing whenever CBS chooses, as this is a common practice for talk shows. Ree is very good about sharing information about all of her upcoming appearances on her Facebook page, and there has been no mention of this one yet. In addition, Steve Carell's appearance was previously listed as being on air tonight, but it is now airing tomorrow night instead. For whatever reason, CBS simply decided to change things around in the schedule (or perhaps one of the guests requested the change).

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JMO, I think she's spreading herself too thin with all the endeavors and will crash and burn.  In a couple of years people will be saying Ree who.