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Registered: ‎10-21-2010


Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,596
Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Amen!!  Now will these posts be deleted?

Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,917
Registered: ‎01-10-2013

Please don't forget care packages for our troops!

Related image

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Posts: 37,954
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

@henderson wrote:

Amen!!  Now will these posts be deleted?



Probably put in the right forum.

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Posts: 1,766
Registered: ‎06-15-2016

My prayer goes out to all of the military, and the service men and women that walk the streets of our cities everyday.  No matter the uniform, or the family that is sacrificing; a huge debt of gratitide is owed!!!


God bless you all and 'Thank You', too!Heart 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 25,929
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Thank Goodness all of my nephews are older now and in this country safe. Our family has sacrificed a lot and now we get a break for a while until the next generation matures into service age. Not that we are all together on the holidays but we rest better and celebrate happier knowing no one is in the war zone or in a hospital fighting for his life.A very good change for a military family like mine.  We still have fireman and paramedics out there and that is enough.

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,051
Registered: ‎10-21-2010

I see tables full of food and a prayer added.


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,571
Registered: ‎06-29-2010

You Dahm right I pray for our troops!!  USA all the way!!

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust