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I have decided to try and do something different while eating healthier. I'm tired of counting calories. So, I started looking at portion control.

I've started using a salad plate in place of a dinner plate. I visually divide the plate into three sections. Within each section, I put my normal amounts of food in each section, and then I cut it all in half. After removing the halved sections, I then can see what certain amounts of food look like on my plate. I've been trying to drink a cup of water before each meal, eat smaller bites and chew slowly. I've also been eating more variety of steamed or roasted vegetables.

I hope I wrote all of this out so it makes sense, and perhaps can help someone. I'm not making any drastic changes with my diet, but concentrating on my eating habits at the moment. I have cut out sugar, which is hard to do, but it can be done easily once you get passed the cravings.

So far, this plan is working for me. I have 3 more pounds to lose to reach my goal, and they aren't letting go easily. I'll have to be patient and not give up, which is a temptation.

Some days are harder than others, but I didn't think this would be a piece of cake. No pun intended.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Your ideas sound good!

I got a new set of dishes las year, and I noticed the salad/dessert plates were quite big, and the dinner plates huge.

So, I have been using the salad plates to eat, too. It works really well, because I don't pile up the food, just put enough on to cover the inside of the rim. For example, baked potato, broccoli, chicken. It fits together like a puzzle. And when I'm.done, I'm full but I don't feel stuffed.

ETA: I know what you know mean about the last few pounds. Those are always the hardest!

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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I forgot to mention something, I have found that if I take one more bite after feeling satisfied, I pay a huge price. My stomach will ache from over load. I hate that feeling, but I think my stomach has shrunk from eating this way. I hope that's a good thing and not unhealthy.

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Good for you. I bet you will see results soon.

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A small salad plate divided into three sections........and then you take away half of the food in each section? So in effect, your meal is about half a salad plate worth of food? You're right: those sound like very small portions! To me, this doesn't sound like a plan most healthy adults would be able to stick with for very long.......unless perhaps you're eating many of these small meals during the day.

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One night ABC News mentioned a study showing people who lost weight by eating with their non-dominant hand because they ate so much slower. I tried it for about two days. Doubt if I lost any weight, but I lost food down the front of my shirt and onto the floor!

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On 2/22/2014 GoodStuff said:

A small salad plate divided into three sections........and then you take away half of the food in each section? So in effect, your meal is about half a salad plate worth of food? You're right: those sound like very small portions! To me, this doesn't sound like a plan most healthy adults would be able to stick with for very long.

I put my normal serving size on the plate, then half it. My plate runneth over before I half it.{}

We don't seem to get in our country....huge and over the top portions sizes is very unhealthy. We super size everything just about. No wonder, we as a nation, are so overweight and unhealthy.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Chopsticks are good for this too. They do make me slow down.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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On 2/22/2014 AuntG said:

One night ABC News mentioned a study showing people who lost weight by eating with their non-dominant hand because they ate so much slower. I tried it for about two days. Doubt if I lost any weight, but I lost food down the front of my shirt and onto the floor!

{#emotions_dlg.laugh} Yeah, that doesn't sound like a very good idea to me. I use my dominate hand to eat. Food should be enjoyed, not a burden.

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Posts: 919
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 2/22/2014 Marienkaefer2 said:

Chopsticks are good for this too. They do make me slow down.

I never thought of that. Maybe I'll try that, just to keep it interesting. Thanks, Marienkaefer2!