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So this is the 1st year I'm ordering Georgia Peaches.  


I found Pearson farms and they had free shipping and it appears to be a well recognized source for peaches and pecans but was wondering if anyone ordered from them?


So far I've seen South Carolina peaches at Costco today and not sure of the state sources in our local grocery stores but peaches are my very favorite so I thought I would give them a try.



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@Just Bling    I love peaches too but hold out for Colorado peaches which don't appear until late in the summer.  They're heavenly but kind of hard to find.  There's a semi rural village down the hill from me where I've also gotten some very good ones. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Just Bling : I live in Georgia. DH makes a trip to Pearson farms every year. Delicious peaches and excellent customer service. We live in Columbus. I love peach ice cream and they sell it. They pack DH cooler very well and don't charge extra for the ice. When DH returns home the ice cream is still frozen solid. DH made the trip this past Tuesday. He purchased a case of peaches for us, one for his sister, one for another friend , plus for the friend that drove DH's car. The case of peaches for us had 69 peaches in it and $30 for the case. I always put my peaches out on a table for a few days to get juicy and ripe. I slice them up and put a little of sugar and Fruit Fresh and freeze some. I will make DH a peach cobbler for Father's Day. The people and customer service is excellent.🍑🍑🍑



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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@Just Bling : I have ordered from Pearson Farms. Childhood friend moved to Tennessee and I have sent her the peaches. Excellent online customer service. Friend varied peaches arrived in good condition and were delicious.

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I have ordered pecans from Pearson Farms the last five years and have never been disappointed. 

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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

My mouth is watering so thanks to y'all I just ordered some.  Thanks for making me aware of Pearson Farms.