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Re: Paula Deen's New Product...Yes, It's Real!

On 7/26/2014 RedHeadedWench said:

Soooo, let me get this straight.

A person who hid her diabetes from the public (for her image and food product sake), and then came out (so to speak) as a diabetic, because she was a PAID spokesperson for a diabetes now selling chocolate candy bars.


You said it so well, and I add my agreement.

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Re: Paula Deen's New Product...Yes, It's Real!

On 7/26/2014 HHC1 said:
On 7/26/2014 Danky said:
On 7/26/2014 RedHeadedWench said:

Soooo, let me get this straight.

A person who hid her diabetes from the public (for her image and food product sake), and then came out (so to speak) as a diabetic, because she was a PAID spokesperson for a diabetes now se lling chocolate candy bars.


Lisa Renna is paid to endorse you honestly think she wears them ? Really ?

How old is Lisa Renna? She might wear depends. Women approaching or in menopause have unstable bladders.

It says right in the beginning that Lisa Rinna does not wear Depends...she was doing it for charity.

Paula just does not get it....and I wouldn't pay to watch her in her other new venture either.

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Re: Paula Deen's New Product...Yes, It's Real!

On 7/26/2014 AuntG said:

I know there is a point here but I'm not sure I get it. A lot of people like a good chocolate bar and if Paula markets one, that wouldn't bother me. I'd hate to see a diabetic discriminated against because they bought a donut at the bakery or had a piece of wedding cake with buttercream frosting. The only thought I have about paid spokespeople is that I believe they should use the product they are advertising.

ITA....don't see anything wrong with it.

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Re: Paula Deen's New Product...Yes, It's Real!

On 7/26/2014 RedHeadedWench said:

Soooo, let me get this straight.

A person who hid her diabetes from the public (for her image and food product sake), and then came out (so to speak) as a diabetic, because she was a PAID spokesperson for a diabetes now selling chocolate candy bars.


Chocolate butter bars, a double whammy!

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Re: Paula Deen's New Product...Yes, It's Real!

On 7/27/2014 mousiegirl said:
On 7/26/2014 RedHeadedWench said:

Soooo, let me get this straight.

A person who hid her diabetes from the public (for her image and food product sake), and then came out (so to speak) as a diabetic, because she was a PAID spokesperson for a diabetes now selling chocolate candy bars.


Chocolate butter bars, a double whammy!

Her TWO favorite food groups!

BTW - She is currently on a tour giving cooking demos. $250 for a chance to meet her and get a picture with the star- $45 for a regular ticket.

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Re: Paula Deen's New Product...Yes, It's Real!

What a clever idea. Love the way the packaging allows for easy portion control. I bet it will be good chocolate!

libby's folly
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Re: Paula Deen's New Product...Yes, It's Real!

On 7/26/2014 HHC1 said:
On 7/26/2014 Danky said:
On 7/26/2014 RedHeadedWench said:

Soooo, let me get this straight.

A person who hid her diabetes from the public (for her image and food product sake), and then came out (so to speak) as a diabetic, because she was a PAID spokesperson for a diabetes now se lling chocolate candy bars.


Lisa Renna is paid to endorse you honestly think she wears them ? Really ?

How old is Lisa Renna? She might wear depends. Women approaching or in menopause have unstable bladders.

What???? Every single woman, no exceptions? Are you nuts? That's the silliest thing I ever heard. Funny. Just thinking about every over 45 year old woman in the entire world wearing adult

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Re: Paula Deen's New Product...Yes, It's Real!

Looks good to me, especially the dark chocolate. Diabetics can and do eat candy , taking carb amounts into consideration.
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Re: Paula Deen's New Product...Yes, It's Real!

I guess I don't understand the problem of Paula trying to make a living. So what if she has diabetes. She modified her diet, but that doesn't mean she needs to modify the entire planets diet. She likes food, particularly butter. I do too, but I choose not to overdose on it. Perhaps Paula gives everyone too much credit in thinking that people will partake of her goodies in moderation? She is doing what she loves to do...I guess everyone is entitled to do that, even if you have made mistakes in life. She has made her share, she has paid the price. I wish her well. Bon appetit Paula Smiley Happy
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Re: Paula Deen's New Product...Yes, It's Real!

I have no problem with Paula--I've never met her so won't judge. If you all hate her so much, don't buy her products. Seems pretty simple to me.