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DD had to run an errand and called to see if I needed anything before she heads home.


Since we had a late breakfast I am having her bring me a sundae from our favorite ice cream stand. Trying something new, one of their speciality sundaes, The King.................peanut butter and banana w/twist ice cream.


Yep, being bad today.

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@CrazyKittyLvr2     Oh no no no.....NOT bad!    I went out at sunrise to deadhead my front yard.....and REWARDED myself with an ice cream BREAKFAST !!!!   di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Desertdi   I like the way you think. 


Hey, ice cream is dairy.  My sundae has bananas (fruit) and peanut butter (protein).

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I had a double ice cream sundae for dinner last night. Being bad tastes so good!

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Ice cream, in any form, with any topping is an approporate meal replacement in addition as a treat or snack.  Same can be said for pizza

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Re: Oh, I'm So Bad !

[ Edited ]

Breakfast should be protein, carb & fruit!


Just exactly what is a Strawberry Ice Cream cone or Banana Split or Sundae?

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You are just treating yourself.  That's a good thing.

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@CrazyKittyLvr2  I must be bad, too.  I hearted every single one of these posts so far!  {*_*}



ETERNITY: your choice... smoking or non smoking!
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It was good of her to check in with you before heading home.  I would have asked for a Blizzard from Dairy Queen.

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I just had a big piece of leftover Dairy Queen birthday ice cream cake we served a few days ago for our adult son.  The ice cream cake is fudge brownie, with chocolate ice cream.  Now, there is this:  I sliced up some fresh, local strawberries in season and put them over the ice cream cake.  Heaven, I'm in heaven!  Also, it was nutritious, right?  With all those fresh strawberries?