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Re: O/T: Do you remember Christmas Club Accounts?

Our bank still has a Christmas Club, and the checks come out in October, so plenty early to help with shopping, or if you are done by then (sometimes I am) it can be applies to something else.

I don't do one every year, but I love the times I have done it, and want to get a jump start on the one for next year.

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Re: O/T: Do you remember Christmas Club Accounts?

My credit union still offers Christmas Club and Vacation Club accounts. I had a Christmas club account until 3 or 4 years ago. It was a life saver when our girls were young and I wasn't making nearly as much as I make now. It was nice getting that $1000 check (I put $20 a week into it) the first week of November.

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Re: O/T: Do you remember Christmas Club Accounts?

Yes. And back before I was married and a young struggling working girl, there was lay away. When I saw something I really wanted to wear, but couldn't afford to buy it outright, I'd pay so much down and a little every week out of my meager pay. Now I am fortunate to have the resources to pretty much buy what I want.

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Re: O/T: Do you remember Christmas Club Accounts?

On 11/25/2014 brewhaha said:

I never needed one because I was always good at saving money.

LOL! So was I until I had two kids!!

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Re: O/T: Do you remember Christmas Club Accounts?

I still keep a Christmas Club, although it's more for house and yard-type things. It's a pretty substantial account.

For the last few years, I had deposited the checks in my savings account until I had enough to remodel the kitchen. This year we bought a nice shed for the back yard to store our mowers and garden tools.

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Re: O/T: Do you remember Christmas Club Accounts?

I remember them from when I was a little girl. Back then, the Christmas insanity didn't start in August like it does now, and the check would arrive around Thanksgiving. We'd go and watch the Macy's Parade, and the last float was always Santa, and that was the kick-off for the season. Between Wednesday afternoon and Black Friday morning (when the stores opened maybe an hour earlier), the stores were magically transformed. No rioting, no people trampled...I remember everyone being very jovial and friendly.

Stores were open late one day a week - until 9 p.m. on Thursday, and they were closed on Sundays, although after I started working they'd be open late every day for the week before Christmas...yet everyone got their shopping done on time, unlike now, when people nearly riot when they announce a store is closing on Christmas Eve.

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Re: O/T: Do you remember Christmas Club Accounts?

i also remember as a kid when they would give you cardboard books where you could save dimes and quarters in them. i remember i was so happy anytime i filled a book!

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Re: O/T: Do you remember Christmas Club Accounts?

Walmart has lay a way!

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Re: O/T: Do you remember Christmas Club Accounts?

I do! I loved getting that check

It wouldn't work for me now. I shop all year, in theory it's a good idea.

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Re: O/T: Do you remember Christmas Club Accounts?

Really enjoyed this account in the 80s & 90s. I started doing this when I became a mom. It took the pressure off to be able to withdraw the money when the holidays rolled around.

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau