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New crisp lid users? Would love some reviews please

I am so tempted to get one. I have put one in my cart twice and I just can't decide. The Youtube videos I have seen all seem to show the browning uneven and almost burned in spots. Also, somewhat browned but not looking great to me. I know this is a new "item" but I would love to hear from those who have tried it and hear what your honest reviews are. It also looks like the stainless basket is quite small and using it in my 8qt might not work. Would like to be able to do a whole chicken and brown in the IP without using the stainless basket. 

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Re: New crisp lid users? Would love some reviews please

I haven't heard of this item before.  Is it something sold on QVC?  If so, could you post an item #?  IF there are no reviews yet, check on Amazon to see if it is sold there and if there are any reviews. 

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Re: New crisp lid users? Would love some reviews please

@cozyseeker    Are you by any chance talking about the Ninja Foodi with the Crispy Lid?

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Re: New crisp lid users? Would love some reviews please

Sorry, should have been more specific. It is the Mealthy Crisp Lid that you use with any IP 6 or 8 qt. It works like just the extra lid that browns that comes with the Ninja Foodie. I guess you could call it the poor mans answer to a Ninja. Reviews on Amazon are all good, but watching videos makes me wonder.

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Re: New crisp lid users? Would love some reviews please

@cozyseeker But the Mealthy Crisp lid can be removed . Correct.?

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Re: New crisp lid users? Would love some reviews please

@grandma2pkmh wrote:

@cozyseeker    Are you by any chance talking about the Ninja Foodi with the Crispy Lid?



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Re: New crisp lid users? Would love some reviews please

I ordered mine from AMZ and will get it tomorrow (Wed). It says it will work with most pc's with stainless steel pots, 6 or 8 qts.  Been waiting for it to come to AMZ as I got an email in May about it. Was $49.99 with free shipping for me. Been looking at youtube about it and reading reviews--most are raving about it. Was thinking about an air fyer for a few years now,  but really hate the shape of them and don't have the space to store it. I will try it and let you know. the basket may be more for french fries or onion rings that need browning on all sides. Maybe something like a tall chicken would do better on the very bottom---not sure of course, but will try that and report back. think like with everything, there is a learning curve.

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Re: New crisp lid users? Would love some reviews please

Wagirl, thanks for the info. I look forward to hearing how you like it. Thanks again!

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Re: New crisp lid users? Would love some reviews please

I'm also considering the Mealthy crisper lid but waiting for more reviews before ordering.  I'm not sure I cook the foods that need browning often enough to warrant the purchase so how people use it will be of interest to me.



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Re: New crisp lid users? Would love some reviews please

@BeccaLou--not sure what you mean by removed--it seats on the steel pot snuggly; it fits the 6 and 8 qt pressure cookers, that have stainless steel inserts and there is a rim for both sizes for it to fit on top. has a handle that you push down to start it going. totally a separate piece. Got mine on Wedsnesday but haven't used it yet. I will tonight tho. will try chicken parm in it.