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Re: My first organic free range turkey: what do I need to know?

Lucky, you would love, love, love Ina Garten's Roasted Butternut Squash salad: it's something everybody can have-it's delicious-and makes a beautiful presentation. Blue cheese crumbles or gorgonzola is superb with it: I could make a meal off of it alone. I am not against any particular food group by any means, but my daughter needs to make healthier choices than pasta laden with cheese, bread with her butter, and bread with her peanut butter. As a Diabetic, I always have fresh vegetables and fruits washed and prepared....salad makings are in abundance, and I do exactly what you do: I make a batch of quinoa, freekeh or some other whole grain cooked and ready to go. She will go out and buy these frozen vegetarian entrees, but if you read the labels, many of them has as much fat and sodium as their meaty counterparts....and if she doesn't like what I have made, she has the time to make what she wants-but she chooses not to....oh well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't force him to eat kale or try tempeh......


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Re: My first organic free range turkey: what do I need to know?

Ctinaw what a great idea! For my birthday this year, my DH bought all of Alton's cook books: I need to read what The Great One has to say about turkey.....ahhh, did you ever see the episode about fried turkey? I have panic attacks just thinking about it!


Phoenix, Thanks for the suggestion of Russell James: I will have a look. I have an appointment coming up with a Diabetes Educator and one of the things I really want to explore is going vegan/vegetarian.  My DH has gout and is kosher, so a lot is off of our menu right there. As for myself, I have an allotment of five ounces of animal protein a day-lean protein that is.....and as if from fresh fish, I could take it or leave it. I have discovered we really don't need as much protein as we have been led to believe, but honestly, I am full and satiated with a wonderful vegan broccoli soup that I make in my Vitamix with my portion of Great Northern beans. My blood sugars are stable with foods like that. As I write, I am so looking forward to my snack (I'm not even hungry but it tastes so good!): I am having a Beckel pear with a little goat cheese-can you spell b-l-I-s-s?

Poodlepet2Smiley Very Happy

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Re: My first organic free range turkey: what do I need to know?

PoodlePet...Russell James makes wonderful tasting vegan food and when I'm looking for a special treat, I find myself exploring his website for free yummy ideas!  Have you ever heard of Gabriel Cousins MD....he invited a few people throughout the country to his health retreat in Arizona to try a vegan lifestyle to address their diabeties.  This adventure was filmed and put on his website and is available at no cost.  You might enjoy watching.  Sounds like you are on a very successful path...vegan usually takes baby steps and remembering to love ourselves exactly where we are.  I could totally relate to your cheese I'm not even tempted although that slice on Ezekiel bread sounds might good Smiley Happy.  I use a vegan cheese when I make vegan tacos for hubby.  I'm now working on tempering the gourmet raw (I  have even attended classes at a gourmet raw restaurant). I'm mostly organic also but I try not to label or put an identity on myself.  I can eat whatever I want, it just so happens I love fresh organic fruits and veggies!   Simplicity in all areas of my life is a goal.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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Re: My first organic free range turkey: what do I need to know?

Phoenixbird, do you believe in fate??? A couple of years ago, Al Roker had a show on Food Network-and Gabriel Cousins is one of the people he devoted an episode to.  After that show, I checked out Tree of Life, and then forgot about it and never pursued it-most regrettably.  That being said, I never forgot that episode, but for the life of me, I couldn't remember the name of Al Roker's show-or the name of the doctor.  It blew me away: there was one woman who was a recovering alchoholic who put on mega weight and consequently developed Type II and was on a plethora of medications.  She-and many others-were able to arrest the disease and get off all kinds of medications!!.I am so happy you mentioned this!  I am much like you: I am not willing to pigeonhole myself as a follower of any particular school, but I too love good organic fresh food and there is always room for the exploration and incorporation of healthy fresh foods. I am so delighted to have "chatted" with youSmiley Happy


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Re: My first organic free range turkey: what do I need to know?

[ Edited ]

@Poodlepet2 I will check out Ina's recipe one of these days soon!  Thanks!


I'm not tempted by frozen entrees because I am now PETRIFIED of the microwave.  Hahaha.  I guess that's a good thing.....



ETA:  I also love to throw Great Northern beans on my salads.  Love making hummus with GN beans or especially cannenelli beans.  Just cannenelli beans, garlic, and a ton of jalepeno peppers (drained).  I eat it with cucumbers.  Heaven!


I'm 99.7% organic. 


Would love your recipe for your brocolli soup!!!!

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Re: My first organic free range turkey: what do I need to know?

My broccoli soup is delicious and ridiculously easy to starts off with sauteed onion and garlic. I steam the broccoli-and you can make this for one person or ten. I use a vegan broth: I prefer chicken flavored, but the broth with a mushroom base is great too. I usually use about 4 cups.  I blend that in the Vitamix with about half of the broccoli and I take some of the sauteed onions and garlic and throw them in. I let her rip for about five minutes, then I decant it into a pot with my beautiful tender, bright green broccoli: I don't steam it to the point where it has that "school cafeteria" overcooked look.  I add the Great Northern beans, and it's fantastic! The broccoli in the broth alone with the power of the Vitamix gives it a beautiful creamy consistency. I love it so much, I have been known to have it for lunch and dinner.....and I forgot to tell you, if I want a cheesy flavor, I use Bragg's nutritional yeast-and I love Daiya cheddar shreds. I can't say I miss meat when I have something like this. Tomorrow I think I will make some creamy mushroom soup the same way I make the broccoli soup.  I have some leftover shredded carrot and zucchini which I am sure will enhance my concoction. Do you have any easy soups that you like to make?


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Re: My first organic free range turkey: what do I need to know?

Poodlepet, I've never made soups in my vitamix or my nutribullet rx! 


I make all mine in a le cruette pot.


I make cabbage soup (cabbage, low sodium veg broth) tomato paste, canned san marzano plum tomatoes, and add quinoa at the last 10 mins.


I make lentil soup, starting w/sauteed onion, garlic, celery, portabellas slices and then add the plum tomatoes and the vegetable broth.


I use Whole Foods 365 organic low sodium vegetable broth for everything.  I stock up on that stuff!  Add it to everything.  I like the flavor more than any other brands.


Your brocolli soups sounds good.  I'm going to make that for sure!





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Re: My first organic free range turkey: what do I need to know?

Poddlepet...birds of a feather!  Love the energy of fellow veggie sisters!  I am so glad you are able to follow up on Gabriel Cousins.  He has been a life saver for lots of people.


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Re: My first organic free range turkey: what do I need to know?

We made a Turkey one year with Alton B's brining and cooking method and it was just perfect. Definitely give it a try! 

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Re: My first organic free range turkey: what do I need to know?

[ Edited ]

This sounds good.  Do you leave the beans whole or puree them in the soup?


Here is my next soup.  Just found this recipe.  Love roasted veggies.


Roasted Vegetable Soup



This chunky soup is low in calories yet surprisingly satisfying. It tastes delicious hot or cold.

  • 1 head garlic
  • 3 pt. cherry tomatoes (I would use a can or organic tomatoes)
  • 2 large bell peppers, cut into ½-inch chunks
  • 2 medium zucchini, cut into ½-inch chunks
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • ½ tsp. smoked paprika
  • 1 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed
  • 4 Tbs. sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar
  1. Preheat oven to 450°F.
  2. Rub papery skin off garlic, and cut off top of head to expose clove tips. Place on square of foil, and drizzle with 1 Tbs. water. Wrap garlic, and roast 35 to 40 minutes, or until soft.
  3. Toss tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, and oil with paprika in large bowl. Season with salt and pepper, if desired. Spread on 2 baking sheets, and roast 35 to 40 minutes, or until vegetables are browned and tender, stirring once. Cool 10 minutes.
  4. Squeeze roasted garlic cloves into bowl of food processor; add half of roasted vegetables and 1 cup water. ( I would use broth).  Blend until smooth, then transfer to large bowl or saucepan. Pulse remaining vegetables in food processor until chopped,

then stir into puréed soup with corn and vinegar. Warm, if necessary.

STORE/SERVE Refrigerate up to 3 days, or freeze up to 3 months. If frozen, thaw in refrigerator overnight. Serve hot or cold.