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Re: My Pressure Cooker Met Its Maker

mima, yes I would like the 6 qt one. My other was 6.5 but I think the 8 would be too big.

philogirl, I loved michlady1's story too. It was the best.

dancingwoman, thank you for you confirming that you like the Nesco too. I'll check Walmart pricing as well and see if I can get out of shipping charges somewhere. I live close to one so I might be able to pick one up.

FindingMyJoy, I looked at the Wolfgang Puck one and it's sold out....bummer.

RocketMom, thank you!

brewhaha you don't need a pressure cooker to tell you that you're a great cook. I'm sure that you are.

crenita, thank you! I'll look at the InstaPot

So many great suggestions!!

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Re: My Pressure Cooker Met Its Maker

I have a Fagor digital that is also a slow cooker and a rice cooker and has a brown setting. I use it most often as a pressure cooker, however. They go for about a hundred bucks, and they sell parts like new tops, extra inside bowls, and gaskets. I wouldn't be afraid to try the Cooks Essentials one if the price was right, though. As for the stovetop kind, I had one for many years. I wasn't afraid of it and used it, but I have used my digital one more in the past three years than I used the stovetop one in as many decades. The stovetop type that intrigues me now is the low pressure one. Q has some. They are a kind of hybrid between a big sauté pan or "everyday" pan, and a pressure cooker.
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Re: My Pressure Cooker Met Its Maker

I used a 4 qt stovetop MirroMatic for over 40 years but love the Wolfgang electric 6qt model I got for about half price new on eBay. It's great to dump everything in, set the dial and walk away.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: My Pressure Cooker Met Its Maker

Wow, sorry for your mishap luvboyds. Hope YOU are ok. Cuisinart makes a very nice 6 quart pressure cooker. Very reliable too! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: My Pressure Cooker Met Its Maker

Thank you Kay SD! The Fagor sounds like it has some really nice features on it. I am going to do more looking into the brands mentioned. I looked yesterday at some of them but I think I'll make my decision today. I hate being without one now. I didn't think I would use it that much before I bought one. It was kinda like I just wanted it but it has been so wonderful.

kachina624, Thank you as well for the reply. I love being able to dump everything in them as well and things are done in such a short time. I have hardly any time to really prepare things in advance as far as a home cooked meal anymore. I am helping my mom care for my dad who has Alzheimer's so I'm constantly running. This is wonderful for me.

madcity411, Thank you but I am fine. I don't know how I kept from falling honestly. I just stumbled but it was enough of a jolt for me to lose the pressure cooker. Maybe if I didn't have the pressure cooker in my hands I would have fallen...I don't know. Needless to say it was an expensive Thank you for your suggestion of Cuisart as well. It's on my list.

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Re: My Pressure Cooker Met Its Maker

Americas test kitchen rated emerils 6 qt T-Fal pressure cooker as the best I'm hoping it will be Emerils TSV this month My cuisinart one was terrible, the lid was hard to lock into place, the pressure valve markings were hard to determine which was on or off.
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Re: My Pressure Cooker Met Its Maker

Thank you Girlo!

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Re: My Pressure Cooker Met Its Maker

On 1/8/2014 1mamaj said:

I love my Nesco 6qt electric pressure cooker that I got from Amazon ($74) 3 yrs. ago. It cooks with both low and high pressure, it will also slow cook like a crock pot and brown meat. I checked on these this past week at Amazon and they are still $74 and free shipping. It has a lot of reviews, check it out!

I've had my Nesco 6qt for 5 yrs and love it!

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Re: My Pressure Cooker Met Its Maker

Glad you are ok OP. My pressure cooker is about ready to die and I need a new one. I was getting ready to start a thread when I saw this one, so this one has been just what I needed. Mine is an old Farberware and I love it (traditional stove top pressure cooker). I am just afraid to use it now. The gasket is frayed and the lid does not stay down all the way.

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Re: My Pressure Cooker Met Its Maker

Check this out on the new Insta Pot. Last thing I Enable your pressure cooker from your phone. We're are now the Jetsons.