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Looking for advice on oiling teak cutting boards

I ordered the Architec Maderia set of 2 teak wood cutting boards from QVC several weeks ago (K51563), which are now sold out. During the presentation, the vendor clearly stated that they come already treated and that you'd probably wouldn't need to oil them for about a year (I replayed the video to be sure). However, the instructions that come with the boards state to oil them every day for seven days and then monthly???


I have tried emailing them twice now to clarify which advice to follow and have received no response (very disappointing). I've also contacted QVC to see if they might have any other way to contact them, which they don't. Since I have never owned any wood cutting boards before, I'm really not sure what to do with them, so am looking for advice on how often I should treat them and with what kind of oil. Would greatly appreciate some help with this. Thanks!

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Re: Looking for advice on oiling teak cutting boards

I'd try Google.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Looking for advice on oiling teak cutting boards

Food grade mineral oil is a good choice. Call your local real hardware store or try the A.


I've never had teak but it is durable and withstands water. I have had oak and black walnut currently.


How often to oil? Depends how often you use it. Once a month is my rec if you use it regularly.

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Re: Looking for advice on oiling teak cutting boards

I was just thinking that my cutting boards need oiling. I should do them tomorrow.  Thanks for the reminder.


i use a food grade mineral oil and just pour a little on the board at a time and rub it in with a soft cloth or my fingers. I let the oil sit overnight and just wipe with a clean cloth the next morning.


You can buy cutting board oil for this purpose.  Do not use your cooking oils, or your board will get sticky.

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Re: Looking for advice on oiling teak cutting boards

I always rub mine first with a little kosher salt to clean it . Then I rub in the food grade oil .

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Re: Looking for advice on oiling teak cutting boards

@Chessa35 wrote:

I always rub mine first with a little kosher salt to clean it . Then I rub in the food grade oil .

I do the same but use half a lemmon to rub the salt in.  Then I use the mineral oil.  

Our local grocery store carries the oil- easy peasy.   I clean them depending on how much I use them....

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Re: Looking for advice on oiling teak cutting boards

I have a big Boos board snd several artisan charcuterie boards.  I also do the lemon & salt cleaning on my cutting board but not the charcuterie boards. They all get treated with food grade mineral oil.  Making it a regular habit is recommended, to keep the wood conditioned, but I often forget and only do it when it dawns on me.  

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Re: Looking for advice on oiling teak cutting boards

I agree with the posts above. Also you can look at a video on Youtube, I'm sure there's a chef somewhere who's posted how it's done.


I have some wood handle knives, I use the mineral oil on them as well.

And my vintage rolling pin.


You can also get food grade mineral oil at a drug store.


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Registered: ‎12-04-2011

Re: Looking for advice on oiling teak cutting boards

Sorry I haven't been able to check back in to see your responses until now. Greatly appreciate everyone's advice. Since I'm not going to use my boards that often, I'll have to try and find the smallest bottle of oil I can.

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Re: Looking for advice on oiling teak cutting boards

@qualityshopper wrote:

Sorry I haven't been able to check back in to see your responses until now. Greatly appreciate everyone's advice. Since I'm not going to use my boards that often, I'll have to try and find the smallest bottle of oil I can.

@qualityshopper  Even if you don't use them often, it's recommended to still oil them regularly, even monthly, in order to keep the wood conditioned and prevent them from drying out and cracking. I've been lax at this myself.  My boards were too expensive to neglect them so my new goal is to give them the right amount of care.