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Has anyone had experience with knives from Zwilling by J A Henclels?  I have purchased various inexpensive sets (cuisinart (the ones that are different colors), etc) and they have been disappointing.  I am considering the set that is a TS from HSN.  Thoughts?

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If I were in the market for a set of new knives--I think I would buy this set. Really a good quality brand and I love the self sharpening of the knife  block. Having really sharp knives is a must, I have found. I don't have this brand myself but with the extended return, I would give it a try. 

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The first question I asked my self while watching this knife presentation was how could they sell Henckel knives for this price? Are they still made in Germany? Usually these knives are VERY expensive, so it seems odd that they could offer this price. 

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@furbabylover wrote:

The first question I asked my self while watching this knife presentation was how could they sell Henckel knives for this price? Are they still made in Germany? Usually these knives are VERY expensive, so it seems odd that they could offer this price. 

I think it depends on what series you buy from this brand. Amazon has knife sets which include steak knives for a few dollars more than the special and they also sell one single knife for over $100. Quality. Probably HSN is made especially  for them and a cheaper price. 

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it's my husband's preferred brand for knives. he's the cook. it's always worth the price in his opinion 

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We've had a J.A. Henckel set that also included the wood storage block for years and they are still sharp.  We always wash them by hand and return them to the block.  

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@Meowingkitty wrote:

@furbabylover wrote:

The first question I asked my self while watching this knife presentation was how could they sell Henckel knives for this price? Are they still made in Germany? Usually these knives are VERY expensive, so it seems odd that they could offer this price. 

I think it depends on what series you buy from this brand. Amazon has knife sets which include steak knives for a few dollars more than the special and they also sell one single knife for over $100. Quality. Probably HSN is made espresso for them and a cheaper price. 

I would watch out for a lesser-quality product.

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@kathybnc2   My thought:. Be suspicious.  Typically when big, well-known companies sell on shopping channels they "dumb down" the product using lesser quality materials and cheap Chinese workmanship.  It's extremely important a good knife be made of top quality steel or it won't sharpen well or hold an edge (stay sharp).

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Thank you all for the very helpful thoughts and opinions. I was surprised at the price knowing that Henckels is very pricey.  Think I will do a little more checking before I decide.

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I would shy away from HSN knives solely based on the Emeril knife debaccle a few years ago. Offered a cheap knife set Made in Germany, ok, the blade was German made. Handle MIC.


Then it turns out the German company said nope, never made these blades. Entirely MIC.


I do have a couple of Twin Signature paring knives. WS was offering a try me type of purchase. Think they were $14.95 ea.