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Too much controversy

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Re: Are you kidding me?

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The prices for the food are outrageous but someone must be buying this stuff.


Give me LC or Stouffer's any old day! And I don't have to wait for it to get shipped!

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I wonder if the prices are so high because QVC must have to give a lot of refunds plus, of course, shipping is higher and that is included in the price.  I prefer cooking or shopping locally.  Was disappointed with just about all the items I ordered years ago.

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@Iris in bloom wrote:

71 dollars for a few frozen chicken dinners, holy cow, QVC what are you thinking?

@Iris in bloom.  I assure you they re thinking they are going to sell that chicken and they'd be right.   They will.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Are you kidding me?

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@Iris in bloom wrote:

I'm gobsmacked as my mom would say. I've had this brand and it's nothing special, I love QVC but they need to treat their customers like they have some brains. 

 @Iris in bloom.  They prefer to treat them like they have money.  They don't  care about brains.  The people who buy this stuff are looking for convenience,  can afford it, so why should anyone else care?  It's really none of our business. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624 wrote:

@Iris in bloom wrote:

I'm gobsmacked as my mom would say. I've had this brand and it's nothing special, I love QVC but they need to treat their customers like they have some brains. 

 @Iris in bloom.  They prefer to treat them like they have money.  They don't  care about brains.  The people who buy this stuff are looking for convenience,  can afford it, so why should anyone else care?  It's really none of our business. 

Really, don’t you ever watch a presentation of any product, not just food, and shake your head ? 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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@QVCkitty1.  I'm  not interested in prepared food so I never watch those presentations.   There are many expensive items sold by QVC which aren't in my budget but I  don't stress over the fact that somebody is buying them.  More power to them!

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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You seem shocked about the price but as a person who has worked in food sevice the price is reasonable. it never amaze me when people forget to figure the cost in producing these items. LC can charge that price with all the additives  to keep it fresh until you get it out of the grocery store. These are made to order and also sold to some high end resturant. Some of these items are sold for people who want to enjoy the holidays with their guest.  These items are not for everyone and are not suited for every household.