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Since my husband retired I've come to feel like we need two kitchens. He's constantly in the kitchen. One of those skinny guys who can eat all day and not gain an ounce. And he does eat all day. Thing is he spends all this time in the kitchen, pulling things out of the frig, leaving food on the counter, making a mess with water splashed everywhere, but he never fixes anything for the two of us or for guests, just himself. But if I go into the kitchen to make myself coffee or fix lunch I'm in his way. 

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I have a friend that after she cooked a nice meal her husband turned around in his chair and got the peanut butter and jelly out and made himself a sandwich. Boy was she mad and told that story for years. !
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Re: Kitchen Pet Peeves?

[ Edited ]

@PhilaLady1 wrote:

I am the expiration date monitor in my house.  Why is it always me that is squinting to find and read the date and then throw out whatever it is !?!



@PhilaLady1 - I got so exasperated with this that I developed a system so I could easily check all the dates in one place: While I'm unloading the groceries, I take a few moments to jot down the expiration date next to each item on the receipt; later, I enter the details in a simple document on my computer where I've set up categories for refrigerator items, freezer items, and shelf-stable items. I try to update the lists when items are used, but even if I'm not on top of that, the file makes it easy to quickly determine which items need to be used soon or tossed on garbage pickup day and which items I'll likely need to replace when it's time for a grocery store trip. (And for produce items without dates, I notate the date I bought them for reference—it's nice to know if that bag of potatoes is a week old or a month old.)


I'm sure this sounds like nerdy overkill to many people, but it has really helped with organization and has even saved money over time since I don't end up buying items that "probably expired by now" or assuming I have something I need for a recipe, only to find that it's gone or no good and I have to run to the store at the last minute and pay whatever price it is in the moment rather than taking advantage of sales.

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When my husband rinses ANYTHING in the kitchen sink but does not make sure he rinses the sink clean..irks me.

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Registered: ‎07-08-2016
Mine also never squeezes the sponge out and I go and grab it -a loaded sponge with water! Ugh!
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When I read the title of this.I just new it would be great reading. Similar to one thing already dad years ago would finish a container of ice cream and leave it melting in the sink. Next morning my mom would get up in the morning to it melted and dried on the sink and she would wash dishes after supper and get up next morning to a counter full of dirty dishes.  we would make fun of my dad. We use to day he hes back and forth to the kitchen for snacks and that why theres a counter full of dishes in the morning. And he would drink out of the milk bottle at night when he though we were all asleep. Wr sometimee hurd him .And my wife  gets ****** if she goes into the fridge to find a jar or whatever almost empty. I have use the same spoon in relish and mayonnaise. Those thinks ****** her off. As far as tooth brushes in the kitchen sink.we both brush our teeth in the shower so brushes are always in the shower. Actually my wife started doing that and I followed her lead.  I quite often will come out of the bathroom and go to the kitchen to wash my hands. We relate to so many things you guys posted.

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I like your organizational skills.

Saves time and effort in the long run.

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Fnding 1/2, or 1/3 eaten  left over cookies. I always, make it a point to gobble the left over pieces. I always ask him who eats just a piece of a cookie ?? No answer, just shrugs.

 I also find tiny, unusable portions of leftovers to clutter my refrigerator.

But really, I am secretly laughing, esp about the cookies.

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@Regal Bee wrote:

Dirty dishes piled in the sink...hate that. Smiley Sad


@Regal Bee 


That's why God invented dishwashers.   




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Posts: 564
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

You need a new husband :-). Yours is an inconsiderate jerk.