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Re: Keurig was a waste of money for me

plus it makes weak, awful coffee, no matter what setting you have it on!


One of my worst purchases ever and sorry I bought one for my parents too and made them suffer through it, lol. I bought them a Nespresso machine to make up for it.  Smiley Wink

Posts: 46
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Keurig was a waste of money for me

I bought the original mini before it changed to its current shape, and it is still going strong at my job, and I have been retired for 2 years!  I then bought the current one and graduated to a simple large one in white that was a tsv a few years ago.  All are still going strong, but I have kept my percolators for when we have company.  Making one cup at a time for a bunch of people seems to take forever.  I have no interest in getting the 2.0.  Sorry your experience was poor.

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Re: Keurig was a waste of money for me

[ Edited ]

@hellodali wrote:

We have one of the original iCoffee Single Serve coffeemakers and love it.  Not one problem ever.  The coffee is great and we used it a lot!!


I've always been a percolator person, but my husband has been nagging me to try a different system.  This looks very interesting and I may give it a try.  Thanks for mentioning it.

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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Keurig was a waste of money for me

I bought one from the Q a few years ago .... the coffee, tea, hot chocolate etc., was soooooo weak & not at all enjoyable so I packed it up & returned it ..... I went back to using my Farberware electric coffee pot (2-4cups) & I enjoy my coffe every day!! ☕️

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Re: Keurig was a waste of money for me

I love my Keurig!  It works with our current lifestyle.


1. I need to drink decaf, and my husband drinks reguler

2. My husband travels with his job, so some days, I only make one cup

3. I don't need to fuss with the mess of the used grounds

4. Guests can have whatever they prefer...tea, hot chocolate, coffee, decaf


Enjoy what works best for you Smiley Happy



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Re: Keurig was a waste of money for me

I thought I'd never want a Keurig! But my dh retired a year ago and he used to have one at work. We have well water and I didn't want one that held water so thank goodness Keurig has their mini. We absolutely love it! We never have any problems with it and I love how every cup of coffee is perfect! I do make a point to clean it with vinegar once a month religiously. I wouldn't go back to a drip coffee maker if you paid me. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Keurig was a waste of money for me

@Krimpette wrote:

The Keurig mini has been a boon for me.  I used to make a small-ish amount in my MrCoffee and would still end up throwing some way every day.  No longer am I wasting the coffee.  I drink one cup a day.  The Keurig is perfect for me.  Plus, the mini doesn't have all those whistles and bells, etc.    Easy-peasy.


That's the reason I bought it.  I do not like re-heated coffee and would throw the whole pot minus 1 cup away but I decided when this one bites the dust I'm going back to my little 4 cup Cuisinart.  The pods have gotten too expensive even with coupons and sales.

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fRe: Keurig was a waste of money for me

Sorry to hear that. I've had mine for a few years now and haven't had any trouble at all.  I use the reusable kcup without any problem.  I run a vinegar and water solution through it every so often to keep it clean and descaled have had no issues with the pin. 


When I use pods, I don't use generic ones, although I do use several brands other than Keurig, and haven't had any problems with any of the brands that I've used.  When I buy pods I get them at bulk price or I frequently find them on sale at my local grocery, Kmart, and other places sometimes even at a close out price.    

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Re: Keurig was a waste of money for me

The one we had at work became a real PITA.....I still like my coffee brewed by the pot better. I was tempted a few times to buy one though back then.

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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Re: Keurig was a waste of money for me

I have one of the original Keurigs and it is still going strong (albeit very loud).  I bought it for my mom to help her make coffee in the morning but that didn't work out too well but I am not sorry I purchased it as I only drink a cup or two (if that) during the day.


I am sorry to hear that the quality of these machines has gone downhill since I purchased mine but I guess in this day and age it's to be expected . . . Smiley Sad