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Registered: ‎03-12-2010
I'm quick to say, a small amount of bleach wouldn't harm anything, just a bit. Put it in, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, and then flush with fresh water and then water vinegar. I do that with all coffee makers!
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Registered: ‎09-22-2011

@RedConvertibleGirl wrote:

I've had a Keurig for several years and have never had a problem with mold.

So have we and we haven't had any problems either. I do the vinegar thing the first Saturday morning of every month and I use the Keurig every morning. If we go on vacation, I empty it out. Come back home, do the vinegar thing, and fill it back up. The components are washed regularly.


We have had no problems at all.

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Registered: ‎07-02-2015

As previous posters have said, the little K machine does hold a little water and can easily by emptied (per the manual that came with it) by holding down the brew button while the machine is plugged in until the "grinding noise" stops and no more water is coming out.  Be sure to put an empty cup under the spout to catch the water!


I'm not sure this gets every single drop of moisture out of the machine, though, and it doesn't take much dampness to start a mold problem.  I'm not aware that I have one, but who knows for sure without taking apart the entire thing?