Occasional Contributor
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

I'd avoided getting a Keurig as It seemed an expensive way to get a cup of coffee compared to my Mr. Coffee DRIP BREWER AND A CAN OF gIVALIA coffee (my fav). But so many of my friends are getting them, people on this forum have positive comments, and it does seem convenient. I drink about 6 oz coffee in the morning, a cup of tea or hot chocolate in the afternoon so I'm not a heavy imbiber. My question is for Keurig users - after using for a while is the convenience worth the extra cost and is the coffee in the pods of good quality? QVC has some good buys on the machine but before shelling out over $100 want to get your opinions. I'll also check past reviews and the coffee forum but would like a fresh perspective.

Merry Christmas to all!