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Re: Itty Bitty Industrial Kitchen

Adorable. And I like color (or even white) instead of stainless.

As another poster mentioned, the small space presented a challenge, and it turned out functional and visually appealing.

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Re: Itty Bitty Industrial Kitchen

I do like it,, however it isn't for me. i need more space..

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Re: Itty Bitty Industrial Kitchen

You must be kidding.  I'm surprised at all the positive comments.  Where are the pots and pans?  Where is the bakeware?  Where is the silverware?  Where is the food?  Where are the mixer and the toaster, the basic for appliances?

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Re: Itty Bitty Industrial Kitchen

true, not for REAL bakers and cooks like me, but, for the types that don't have the interest in REAL food it's nice.


I read where this one gal sent her mother out to get her some mashed potatoes after her tonsils was out.  I thought "peel couple potatoes", but, see people , now days don't think like that any more and for those types this kitchen would be ideal.   Heating up a can of Campbells and cheese sandwich in skillet it's heaven.

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Re: Itty Bitty Industrial Kitchen

It is super cute! Bigger is not always better.

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Re: Itty Bitty Industrial Kitchen

It looks like a European kitchen.  It's cute, but I would need cabinets and a dishwasher and I don't like stainless steel.  After owning a restaurant and all the ss there, I don't want it in my home.

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Re: Itty Bitty Industrial Kitchen

I like it very much. My Grandmother had the smallest kitchen imaginable and cooked the best meals.

When I lived in Turkey, my kitchen had no cabinets at all and no running hot water. 

I would take this one in a minute even compared to the kitchen I have now.

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Re: Itty Bitty Industrial Kitchen

I adore this. That looks fun and inviting for all.

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Re: Itty Bitty Industrial Kitchen

Cute!  I also love retro Smeg fridges, in an array of pastel colors.

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Re: Itty Bitty Industrial Kitchen

I can't resist adding to my original opinion above somewhere.  The seat near the wall, the amount of counter space where you would place your plate is running right into the sink.