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Re: If you had to choose! Which jar of peanut butter (Walmart) would you buy & eat?

On 10/6/2014 ical said:

Which would you pick? You only have two choices (let's pretend you need a plant-based protein in your diet and you have these two choices):

This one?

Or this one?

Both are 16 ounces.

Here are the ingredients for Jif:


Here are the ingredients for Teddie's Peanut Butter:

Peanuts (with or without salt, with or without flaxseed, with or without seasalt)

Walmart pricing:

Jif $2.78

Teddie $2.98


It's a simple question. Jif or Teddies? Information is given about both brands, or just choose which you like to use.

Jif. Because it's what we like.

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Re: If you had to choose! Which jar of peanut butter (Walmart) would you buy & eat?

On 10/9/2014 debsters said: Only Jif! I love PB.I have spoken to the company in the recent past and confirmed there peanuts are only bought in the US, also they have never had a recall it was skippy that had to do that.

WOW, when did Skippy have a recall ???? I must have missed that one.

I LIVE on PB and only eat Jiff or Skippy

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Re: If you had to choose! Which jar of peanut butter (Walmart) would you buy & eat?

I enjoy peanut butter too. But I don't enjoy eating peanut butter which has other things in it other than peanuts or flaxseeds ground into it.

Hydrogenated fats and oils are HEAVY (did I say HEAVY? Yes, heavy.). If you take a coffee cake, for example, and it is HEAVY, it isn't because it is packed with cinnamon or fruit toppings or is rich with healthful ingredients. Read the label. If it is HEAVY, more than likely it has hydrogenated fats or oils (or shortening, same thing).

Those little melt-candies to make your own candies? Read what is in those (sold at craft stores). That is not candy, that is hydrogenated fats/oils.

Hydrogenated fats and oils STAY in your body and they have hooks upon which they hang on your blood vessels, causing problems with thinking, stroke potential, heart issues, and pockets of fat which hang on areas prone to fat storage.

Peanuts are peanuts and peanuts are food.

Hydrogenated fats and oils are for extending the shelf life of products for sale and for giving WEIGHT and BULK to items sold.

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Re: If you had to choose! Which jar of peanut butter (Walmart) would you buy & eat?

On 10/8/2014 Poodlepet said: BTW, you don't need fancy equipment to make homemade cheaply.....there are a number of ways using food processing, blenders.....all of the inexpensive Ninja products, and Nutribullet Blenders.....and they do a great job....make it fresh and enjoy..... Poodlepet

I find I do not like homemade much. Dry roasted are too bland and salted are way too salty.

For people who don't like the oil at the top, I turn my jar upside down until I'm ready to open it, then I flip it for a couple hours and it's much easier to stir up. Once you refrigerate it, it doesn't separate again. You used to could buy no stir crunchy, now it's only creamy and I don't like that.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Re: If you had to choose! Which jar of peanut butter (Walmart) would you buy & eat?

Choosy moms choose Jif. I guess they brainwashed me with that slogan.

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Re: If you had to choose! Which jar of peanut butter (Walmart) would you buy & eat?


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Re: If you had to choose! Which jar of peanut butter (Walmart) would you buy & eat?

LOL, I just ate a PBJ sandwich made with Jif Reduced Fat, not oily at all! I only buy Jif and will continue to buy Jif!

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Re: If you had to choose! Which jar of peanut butter (Walmart) would you buy & eat?

On 10/11/2014 wildcat fan said:

Choosy moms choose Jif. I guess they brainwashed me with that slogan. {#emotions_dlg.blush}

{}{} Jif for me too! OMG. I am usually not influenced by commercials of any type and don't pay attention to things like that. But that commercial-- let's say I will remember until I die! I have no idea why! Isn't it funny what we remember like that in advertising? I have trouble buying anything but Jif peanut butter. And when I do buy Trader Joes or something else, I worry that no one in my family will like it!!{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I will also always remember that old Enjoli commercial. Where the woman can bring home the bacon fry it up in a pan....and never let him forget he's a man. Cause I'm a woman......Enjoli.{#emotions_dlg.laugh} Both commercials are permanently recorded in my mind!{#emotions_dlg.scared}

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Re: If you had to choose! Which jar of peanut butter (Walmart) would you buy & eat?

On 10/11/2014 Hooty said:

LOL, I just ate a PBJ sandwich made with Jif Reduced Fat, not oily at all! I only buy Jif and will continue to buy Jif!

{#emotions_dlg.biggrin} That's what I buy. Less fat and the taste is the same as the regular Jif. And not oily!